Saturday, June 1, 2024

NSE unveils Tuface Idibia as Good Cause Ambassador

The Nigerian Stock Exchange (“NSE” or “The Exchange”) on Tuesday unveiled internationally renowned award-winning artist, Innocent Ujah Idibia...

Now is the right time to reform oil pricing

World oil prices, which have been highly volatile during the last decade, have fallen more than 50 per cent over the past year. The economic...

NSE suspends trading in Diamond Bank shares

Trading in the shares of Diamond Bank Plc has been placed on full suspension following the court sanction of the Scheme of...

Forex, budget impasse hit equities market harder

By Kelechi Mgboji Assistant Business Editor Investors lost over N83 billion in April as foreign exchange (forex) crisis, delay in the passage of the budget, and...

Seplat rakes in N37 billion as profit in half-year 2019

By Ishaya Ibrahim  One of Nigeria’s leading indigenous oil and gas companies, Seplat Petroleum Development Plc, has posted 15...

Uduk: Derivatives will enhance capital market liquidity

Acting Director General of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Ms. Mary Uduk, has said that derivatives...

CBN to officially devalue Naira to N250 to the dollar

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) will today announce the devaluation of the naira to N250 – $1, authoritative sources familiar the development have...

NSE launches investors relations data pack to enhance engagement

The Nigerian Stock Exchange has launched its Investor Relations (IR) Data Pack, an innovative and dynamic web page integrated with key market...

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