The avant-gardes of Russian Literary Realism
By Lechi Eke
Realist writers cut across the globe from France to Russia,
to the United Kingdom, to Germany and
Identifying Literary Realism
By Lechi Eke
In this edition of Inside Literature, we will show how a reader or a student of...
Great Expectations, English Realism Novel
By Lechi Eke
Charles John Huffman Dickens better known as Charles
Dickens, author of such globally acclaimed novels as David...
Madame Bovary, French Realism Novel
By Lechi Eke
Madame Bovary is a
tragic story of adultery written and published in series in the Revue de...
EASTER POEMS: The reason for the season
By Lecchi Eke
On Inside Literature, we cannot let a festival as important as the commemoration of the Death, Burial...
Honore de Balzac, novelist and originator of Literary Realism
By Lechi Eke
Honore de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist; the
second of five children born to a father...
The Era of Literary Realism
By Lechi Eke
Literary Realism started in 1820 as a rejection or negative
response to Romanticism. Romanticism had dominated art...
10 most famous foreign poems
By Lechi Eke
We take a break before we get on to the next Literary Period,
to look at Ten...
The achievements of Romanticism
By Lechi Eke
In 1840 the word Romantic was coined. It was adapted from
the Roman provinces of France
in particular....
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Premier Poet-Critic from the Romantic School
By Lechi Eke
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) was a lay preacher, a
dissenting pamphleteer at the beginning of the French...