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Home HEADLINES Lawyer raises alarm over Kanu’s deteriorating health in DSS detention

Lawyer raises alarm over Kanu’s deteriorating health in DSS detention


“We were reliably informed by Onyendu that his meals are no longer served regularly. Onyendu barely eats once a day, and this situation is not helping his deteriorating medical condition,” the lawyer says.

Lead counsel to the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Ifeanyi Ejiofor, has criticised officials of the Department of State Services (DSS) over their disobedience of court orders.

Ejiofor, in a statement issued on Thursday, said the health condition of the IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu, is deteriorating in detention as the DSS officials barely feed him.

He added that Kanu had not been allowed to change his clothes despite the pronouncement by Justice Binta Nyako of a Federal High Court in Abuja.

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He stated: “In line with the court-ordered guideline, we conducted the routine visit to our indefatigable Client – Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu at the DSS Headquarters today (yesterday).

“Pertinent concerns on legal matters of engaging urgency were frankly discussed with Onyendu, and the outcomes were fruitful.

“Onyendu’s continued use of the same clothing is increasingly worrisome as the DSS personnel have blatantly denied him change of clothing in their usual flagrant disobedience of court orders.

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“Recall that at the last adjourned date, being the 8th day of April, 2022, this issue was raised and the Judge ordered that Onyendu’s clothes should be taken along by the DSS after the proceedings, and should be promptly handed over to him upon their return to the DSS facility.

“Unfortunately, it is utterly disheartening to note that up until the time of our visit today, Onyendu has not been handed those clothes for a change.

“Despite a clear and unequivocal directive from His Lordship to the DSS’ lawyer to ensure that the court order is obeyed, the DSS in their usual style roundly ignored and treated it with the utmost disdain, as they are yet to comply with this recurrent court order, requiring Onyendu’s change of clothing.

“We were also, reliably informed by Onyendu that his meals are no longer served regularly. Onyendu barely eats once a day, and this situation is not helping his deteriorating medical condition.

“The lawless DSS personnel have remained adamant with the manner in which they treat court orders with levity and disdain, which is totally unacceptable as no one is above the law anywhere in the world.

“Be assured UmuChineke that we, in the legal team are not resting on our oars towards ensuring that these infractions are addressed with immediate effect.

“Consistent with his nature of gratitude, Onyendu thanks you all, millions of his supporters and Ezigbo UmuChineke for relentlessly standing tall, it is not taken for granted by Onyendu.

“Also, Onyendu specifically requested that I inform you all, that you are in his prayers always too. Above all, he requests that you should all be assured that it will end in victory in no distant time.”

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