Sunday, May 19, 2024
Home LIFE & STYLE Ask Tinu Healthy family relationship tips

Healthy family relationship tips


What makes family relationships happy and healthy? Unfortunately, it doesn’t just happen automatically. In our busy lives, we need to make time for the things that promote family well-being. Positive and fun interactions can get squeezed out when we are all on the run. Most of our time can be taken up working, shopping, cleaning, cooking, and getting the kids to and from school or day-care. It can all be rather exhausting.


However, what do we really value about our families? These are the people who are most important to us, closest to us. This is where we learn to relate to others, work together, get what we want, deal with conflict and emotions. As a family, we need to care and love one another. We can show this through the words and actions.


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ParentLink states on its website that healthy families:

Make time for talking and listening
Families where a wide range of feelings are expresses seem to be healthier. Listening means not only hearing the words, but working out what your child is feeling behind the words.



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Show affection, encouragement and appreciation
Children and adults feel good when they are encouraged and appreciated. Take time to ask what each family member had done each day and show interest in one another’s lives.



Accept differences in each person
Appreciate, encourage and value the differences in each family member. Allow each person to be excited about their personal interests, and show respect and tolerance.



Share chores and the power
Use adult power wisely. Keep control through humour and encouragement. When children have a real say in what happens, a very special relationship with trust and intimacy that ensues helps build a healthy family.



Keep in touch with friends and relatives
The more family members are isolated from one another, the more chance there is for problems. Knowing that there are people outside to turn to when things get tough will make a difference in your child’s happiness.



Make time for family
Plan, so there is time to discuss things that affect the whole family. Find some way to spend time together – do things together: play cards or games, take holidays, go on outings or walks, share hobbies.



Put the well-being of your family as a first priority. Show loyalty to your family.



Family rituals and traditions
The little special things that you do every day help build a sense of belonging, inner security and content. Daily rituals can be how you say goodbye, what you do at mealtime and bedtime.



Strong families are able to withstand setbacks and crises with a positive attitude, and shared values and beliefs help them cope with challenges.

Take the time to think about your family; are you getting the best from them and, more importantly are they getting the best from you?

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