Setting in Literature
Setting is the place and time in which a story takes place. It also includes the mood or...
is a way authors convey information about fictitious people in their work of
fiction. It is an artistic representation...
Structure is the skeleton on which a work of fiction is built. It is the arrangement of events...
Plot as an element of Literature
Plot is a very significant element of fiction. It is about
the events that make up the main story....
Diction as element of literature
Diction is choice of words, which is the style of the writer – it is the distinctive tone of the writer. Tone...
Roses and bullets
A war novel by Akachi Adimora Ezeigbo continues from last week
That’s where this ends!...
Roses and Bullets – a novel
Akachi Adimora Ezeigbo’s Roses
and Bullets takes off like a plane
on a tarmac, slowly. War meets ordinary people suddenly, disrupting their
personal plans. Ginika,...
The log in your eye
Continues from last week…
Prof. (Mrs) Steffi Olarenwaju (PhD), that’s what the name
plaque on her...
Continued from last week…
One of Unilag’s leading women was Risi Ogunbor (PhD); (MFR).
She earned...
The girls are not to blame
Continues from last week…
At the Tervers
“Would you rather
we end this...