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Home LIFE & STYLE Arts All my Eggs (2)

All my Eggs (2)


By Lechi Eke

After I registered in HTH, the first thing I was treated for was fear. I remembered the soft-footed gentle Nurse gently prodding me to say, “I believe therefore have I spoken.” And I repeated, “I believe, therefore have I spoken.” Then, He asked me, “What do you believe?” I could literally feel a huge figure, a demon spirit, the size of a North American grizzly bear, standing right beside me to overwhelm me with fear!

My voice quaking, I burst out, “I believe that God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of sound mind. I reject you, spirit of fear, because you’re not from God. I bind and cast you out in Jesus Name!” My voice would usually start out loud, rise in crescendo, push the demon some feet from me, then I would find myself wandering off from what I was doing. A new demon would be sent to me, I supposed. A voice would whisper to me something devastating. It would catch my attention and hold it. Soon, it would become forceful and quite persistent.

“What if you sit there and keep repeating God has not given you, God has not given you, and the viral load increases and overpowers your immune system, and snuffs the life out of you, what will you do?”

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My voice would gradually drop in velocity being greatly distracted as I began to ponder over that question, the demon’s voice would gain momentum and my voice would begin to trail off, but for my gentle Nurse!

A harsh voice would hiss in my ears, “Just get up and go, and don’t be stupid! You should be checking your viral load and taking drugs to curtail them. God uses doctors and not stupid words.”

I would sit there frozen with fear. Sometimes, it would seem my gentle caring Nurse stepped aside. After a while, I would sense His gentle touch and I would hear His voice.

“God has not given me the spirit of fear… In nothing terrified by the adversaries which is unto them an evident token of prediction but to you of…say it!”

The lady whose results came out positive with mine the day I was diagnosed,  traced me to my house. She asked me, “Jemimah, what are you doing?” I told her. She said, “Is anything wrong with earthly hospitals? Why did you register in an out of the world hospital?” I shook my head. “No. There’s nothing wrong with earthly hospitals. Only that HTH deals with the problem from the root. And the cure gotten here is forever,” I told her.  I had sat down and given it a careful thought before I decided to register here. If the Chief Medical Officer in HTH created me, He knows how to put me back together again. I said this to the lady.

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She munched over this in her mind for a moment then, she asked, “How did you get registered in HTH?”

I told God that I had no plan B. I also made a vow which I fulfilled up front because I believed in Him. I sensed that He accepted my request.  Thereafter, His spirit began to tell me what to do.

So after I was treated for fear, my Nurse began to administer the Word. The Scriptures filled me with faith.

As I was stepped down on ingesting Iarge quantity of Scriptures, I began to hear in my head again, “I believe therefore have I spoken. Say it,” He encouraged me. I opened my mouth and began to say what I believed according to Scripture.

“I believe that I am healed. My body can never succumb to deterioration and decay, my body can never succumb to untimely death and sudden death because of the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus at work in me.”

 I had told my colleagues in the office that I had taken ill. I did not tell them the nature of the illness because of the stigma. But to my overall boss, because he was insistent to know, and he was a Christian and sometimes I perceived him as a friend, I had told the truth. He promptly came over to see me. I was surprised that he even came a second and a third time. And he never left without a hearty prayer asking God to give me a miracle; thus defeating the staff notion of him as a hard unfeeling fellow.

Now, when I returned to work, I went to see him. He seemed surprised to see me, perhaps so soon.

“Jemimah, why are you back so soon?” he asked.

“The Lord said I should return to work,” I replied almost ashamed.

“Why?” he asked.

I was standing just after the door. He sat behind his desk, his eyes filled with trepidation? Pity? I could not tell. But he looked thin and tired as if….as if he too had caught the dreaded disease. He certainly looked ill. I felt a wave of compassion for him. He was a widower with two preteen ‘children. Fleetingly, I wondered how he was coping. Suddenly, I understood the look on his face – he wouldn’t want to contract HIV – if anything happens to him- his children… Instinctively, I began to back away until my back hit the door handle. My face had become darkened with embarrassment, and I began to grope for words of apology.

“Why did the Lord tell you to return to work? he persisted.

“Because, because,” I stuttered. I was ashamed to say it. I felt foolish and irresponsible. I should be taking something for those viral loads and not be stupid, coming down here to infect unsuspecting people. Without warning, something burst out of my spirit, and through my mouth.

“I believe the report of the Lord. I believe that I am healed. I believe that I am free…”

I stood there and rattled off the whole 3-times a day divine prescription like a recorded audio player with my eyes shut.

“When did you start the confession?” he asked his face expressionless.

“Yesterday,” I said my voice filled with apprehension steeling myself for a possible tongue lash.

“Yesterday,” he began, “I broke a 10-day dry fast for you. I asked God to help you, and He told me that your miracle is in your mouth.”

I stared at him bewildered. Why? Ten days? – I’ve never done more than a day dry fast. We had been somehow close, but not very close. We talked some times, sharing experiences. He was a director, I was a senior staff and most times I didn’t approve of his decisions. But for him to fast dry for me, or fast at all? Going without food for Ten days? Incredible!

“Well, thank you,” I gushed. “May God reward you!”

He smiled sheepishly, and said, “I didn’t do it for you, I did it for me.”

“How?” I was perplexed.

“Because…because.” It was his turn to stutter. I stared at him completely disconcerted because he was an eloquent cultured man, proficient in the art of communication. And now, he can’t express himself?

“The Lord asked you to intercede for me?” I asked with great admiration helping him. He must be a deeper Christian than I supposed.


No? I was floored.

His face puffed up with embarrassment, I watched him search for words.

“Because … because it would kill me to have anything happen to you. I want to marry you!” He blurted out.

Well, you could hit me with a sledge hammer and I wouldn’t feel it.

It wasn’t an easy process- my treatment,  but Scripture says one would chase a thousand but two will put ten thousand to flight. My fiancé was one Christian man that knew his onion in the Scriptures. He pulled them all out – every healing Scripture. We confessed them together at lunch time and after work. And he was with me on the day that I went for Check-up. And God who cannot lie gave us a HIV Negative report because Love never fails!

The End.

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