Sunday, June 2, 2024
Home NEWS Niger govt woos Chinese investors

Niger govt woos Chinese investors


By Ummi Ismaeel-Minna

Niger State government has set in motion plans to rejuvenate the economy, re-energise small-medium enterprise and re-position agriculture.

To achieve this, it has declared interests in the opening of flanks of the state to Chinese investors willing to do business with Governor Abubakar Sani Bello-led administration.

Governor Bello was in China at the Nigeria-China Governors’ Investment Forum in Guangzhou, where he spoke of the vast economic potentials of the state and the preparedness of his administration to partner with willing Chinese investors in developing the state.

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The Senior Special Assistant (Media and Publicity) to the Governor, Mr. Jide Orintunsin, said that while in China, Governor Bello addressed and held meetings with vast spectrum of Chinese investors and sought for their cooperation.

Bello told the forum of Chinese investors that his administration was willing to support investments in infrastructure projects, such as energy, highways, railways, airport, agriculture, tourism, youths and women empowerment.

His words: “Niger is an agrarian state and our land is fertile for virtually all farm produce. The existence of large collection of water bodies also makes investment in the agricultural sector of the state a viable and profitable option to all investore.

“I beckon on investors in the textile industry to cash in on the high quality cotton produced by our farmers to come and establish textile manufacturing companies while our rice fields are also open to investors in rice milling and processing factories.”

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