
By Lechi Eke

I know birds who hop,

From place to place they jump,

To sit at home, they won’t.

I know birds who hop,


But spare no time to brood,

They hop and jump to meddle.

I know birds who hop,

From place to place they fly,

From mess to mess they pry,

They sniff around and meddle.

I know birds who hop,

From rumour to rumour they spread,

They smear and paint and slander,

To blacken n rubbish the bread.

I know birds who hop,

They slur abroad the rumours;

And hurt themselves at most’

And live alone and mourn.

I know birds who hop,

To hold down jobs they can’t,

To use their brains, they pant;

To carry responsibility, they flop.

I know birds who hop,

The books they read is gossip,

The stories they write with mouth,

They watch and chat and retell.

I know birds who hop,

To use their brains, impossible.

With fickle their time they occupy;

And tittle and tattle and chirp.

I know birds who hop,

And occupy their days with fickle,

And stretch and yawn and waste.