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Home COLUMNISTS No more mumu: Ndigbo and Yoruba must now Buga!

No more mumu: Ndigbo and Yoruba must now Buga!


Today, Ndigbo and Yoruba are faced with a stark choice: either work together to defeat a common enemy or stay aloof and allow Fulani invaders send us to untimely hell.

By Taju Tijani

There are two ways to conquer a country. Either by sword or death – John Adams

Yoruba and Ndigbo the two valiant ethnic groups that made the third leg of the tripod are now trapped in a tight corner. It seems like Yoruba and Ndigbo are sitting targets waiting for the Fulani fusillade to start raining on them. It is my observable paradox. Anywhere you go, the talk of the town is the ubiquitous and armed Fulani roaming our forests, carving out territories everywhere and putting everyone in fear. We are all caught in the web of a well-coordinated Caliphate agenda obsessed with dipping a mythic Northern Quran into the Southern Atlantic Ocean.

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Insecurity has raised our stress level. Frightened Nigerians could no longer manage their high blood condition. It is now permanently high. Social life has gone into the cooler. Night life has taken a dive. All roads are not safe. A trip out of town is like daring death in the face. People I spoke to dream of fleeing Nigeria for a safer pasture. Nigerians have lost faith in our security forces and the manner they execute our security architecture.

From now on Buhari is a General. This column, like The Punch, will no longer refer to him as a President. Having said that, he is a fangless General. A toothless, junkyard bulldog that could neither run, bark nor bite. Buhari is a virus. He has infected Nigeria and Nigerians with his deadly load of paralysis. He is a predictable failure as a leader. He has overloaded himself with a deep overdose of Fulani conceit of superiority. His moronic, vacant, and numb look suggest an air of narcissism deep in his soul. He belongs to this narrow clique of diehard followers of Uthman Dan Fodio who have staked their lifelong dream on making Nigeria a haven for wandering Fulani scattered across West Africa.

READ ALSO: May the likes of Buhari never happen to Nigeria again

Buhari is the pretentious Biblical Moses. This time not sent by God, but by the devil, to resettle all nomadic Fulani on conquered territories across Nigeria in a bid to feed his tribal ego as the Great Fulani Resettler!!! After scoring major victory as a nepotistic and narrow-minded leader, he now wants to up the ante and commandeer all lands and water ways in Nigeria for his blood thirsty, vicious, barbaric, and wandering ethnic group of Fulani herders.

We are now paying dearly for the evil amalgamation of Southern Nigeria with the North. Western education has not shaken the North from its theocratic hell hole. Buhari and his Fulani clan still feed their heads with murderous caliphate shenanigans of Islamic domination, violence, control, and subjection.

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Primitive sharia’s supremacy matters more to Buhari than nation building. The religious ideology that encourages a man to marry 13-year-olds finds resonance with our Northern enemies than sending these girls to the moon as scientists. Also, religious bigotry will not allow Buhari to see that sharia has reduced the North to a wasteland of Islamic backwardness, social and economic stagnation, decay, poverty, and perpetual death. Buhari’s social tribe dominate his government but what has that done to the abysmal condition of the people of Katsina, his home state? Naffing!!!

Therefore, as we sail into a seismic moment of inevitable Jihadist take over, what is then left for the Yoruba and Ndigbo as a response? From now on, Buhari must be denied the privilege of deciding who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. No more Southern timidity. We have reached a tipping point where Yoruba and Ndigbo must now begin to buga. Buga in the sense that we must join hands together to fight a common enemy that is making assiduous plan to annihilate us. This is the time to end our generational tribal animosity and suspicion.

We must rest the ghost of Chief Obafemi Awolowo as the architect of Ndigbo’s war time misfortune. No more tribally fuelled and self-aggrandising tosh of who is superior. We must shut down all incendiary narratives of mutual hatred. We have been paying dearly for this state of perpetual media-scripted war against each other. The change has begun with Peter Obi. Millions of Yoruba are regrooving behind Peter Obi as the deal rather than Tinubu. Pa Ayo Adebanjo has staked all his bet on him all the way. There is no myth so dangerous and insidious, as the narrative that Yoruba and Ndigbo cannot work together.

Today, Ndigbo and Yoruba are faced with a stark choice: either work together to defeat a common enemy or stay aloof and allow Fulani invaders send us to untimely hell. This is an epochal moment that requires us to fight for common interest and survival. We must treasure a new partnership based on collaborative protests, uprisings, and armed self-defence system for the masses, on a military level that equals the invading Fulani fighters. Nigeria has entered a revolutionary moment that would lead to the reformation of our society. Our level of aggression must be higher than the threat posed by Fulani fighters.

Buhari and his Fulani foot soldiers have vowed to destroy us block by block until Kashim Shettima Mustafa is imposed as leader of Republic of Boko Haram. Tinubu, if he ever gets to the Presidential palace, will be a mere ceremonial, siddon look leader, on a life support machine until his life is switched off! The agenda of our collective buga, boldness, courage and sacrifice will be to conquer and drive out Fulani from every inch of Southern Nigeria. The Indian uprising led by Tupac Amaru II in Peru at the end of the eighteenth century is a well-known self-defence. The Indians rose up, by tens of thousands, drove out the criollo invaders and land grabbers, killed the Spaniards on the spot, and recovered the land stolen from them by the encomienda system – equivalent of Buhari’s aborted RUGA plan. 

There is no more pretence. Nigeria is at war. It is not conventional, and trench led. Buhari has been concealing the true character of the war, but we all know that it is Fulani surreptitious armed rebellion to overrun Nigeria and perpetuate their Islamic hegemony and dictatorship. In response to this Armageddon, Yoruba and Ndigbo must play important rescue role in the formation of forces of liberation – armed self-defence, sabotage, guerrilla warfare, mass uprising, endless protests, tactical encirclements of Fulani forests, spontaneous insurrection, strikes and workers’ demonstrations.

Nigeria under Buhari is at the last stage of degeneration. Fulani terrorists have sharpened our teeth. And we are now ready to bite and bite to the death. So, no more mugu. Yoruba and Ndigbo must now buga!!!

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