Nigeria acquiring more satellites to lift digital economy, global profile

By Jeph Ajobaju, Chief Copy Editor

Two more satellites will be acquired by Nigerian Communication Satellite (NigComSat) by 2025 to lift capacity, the digital economy, and Nigeria’s global profile, says Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Abimbola Alale.

“For us at NigComSat Ltd, the future is bright. The support we have enjoyed from our ministry has inspired us to do more.

“l am pleased to inform you of our desire to acquire more satellites between now and 2025 with the NigComSat-2 High Throughput Satellite, due for launch in 2023, and the NigComSat-3 that will be launched in 2025,” she said at a forum in Ikeja.

“This will not only inspire confidence in our customers and channel partners, but also place NigComSat Ltd in the front line of communication satellite operators with a fleet of satellites in orbit.”

Plans to provide an advanced satellite communication solution are a “modest contribution” to Nigeria’s digital economy service infrastructure, which cannot be over emphasised, Alale stressed, per Nairametrics reporting.

She cited NigComSat as one of the key players recognised by the Nigeria National Broadband Plan (NNPB 2020-2025).

“As part of VSAT/TVRO capacity development programme, NigComSat has trained 600 youths across the six geo-political zones in the country.”

She disclosed that trained personnel would be involved in the digital economy to boost Nigeria’s economy, and youths have been equipped with tools to participate in growing the digital economy.

“Satellite communications is a technology that is rapidly changing. In view of this, NigComSat has continued to build capacity that matches global trends and requirements.”

NigComSat subsidiaries for commercial activities

In 2020, Alale said, NigComSat with the support of stakeholders, sponsored four teams – Astromania, Flows, Future Generations, and Pyloops – to compete in the ActInSpace® international innovation contest of 100 cities across five continents.

“Nigeria won the audience award, which was based on the popularity of the video created by Team Astromania to provide information about their solution.

“Quality of service and customer experience are very important in service delivery. NIGCOMSAT has acquired the latest DIALOG HUB with 5IF for the satellite broadband Ka services, as well as built a stronger relationship with our channel partners.

“Our business processes are seamless in accordance with International Standard Organisation’s (ISO) certification.”

NigComSat obtained approval early in 2020 to form two subsidiary companies (subcos), Satellite Infrastructure Companies (SIC), to achieve its ambition as the leading satellite communication solutions provider in Nigeria and Africa.

“They are to provide satellite upstream services such as Transponder leasing, and In-Orbit-(IOT) services, Carrier Spectrum Management (CSM) services, and the Satellite Broadcasting and Broadband Company (SBBC); and to provide satellite downstream services, such as broadband internet services, Broadcasting (DTH) services, etc,” Alale said.

The subcos are to do commercial jobs on behalf of NigComSat with partners and expand its information and communications technology (ICT) business operations.

“NigComSat realises the need to strategically position its subsidiaries for potential opportunities and risks, put in place by operational structures to facilitate its business aspirations.”

NCC, NigComSat sign MoU to boost 5G service

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) announced earlier this year that it signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with NigComSat for the use of C-Band Spectrum to boost 5G service.

“In recent times, precisely from the last quarter of 2019, several administrations have begun to license Spectrum for commercial deployment of 5G. Today, 5G services have already been deployed in the United States of America, South Korea and many more countries,” the NCC said, per Nairametrics.

“5G will build on this momentum, bringing substantial network improvements, including higher connection speeds, mobility and capacity, as well as low-latency capabilities.”

The NCC enthused that 5G will also provide machine-type communications, where a lot of devices will seamlessly connect and independently interact with the internet without human intervention.

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