Sunday, March 16, 2025
Home FAITH Mental slavery

Mental slavery


“If you don’t build your dreams, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs”

This is defined as subjecting a person to a pattern of thought, belief or life contrary to the sequence such a life should follow to make any meaningful impact in life.


A person that is mentally enslaved would only be existing or helping others to achieve their life goals A mentally-enslaved individual can only be led, taught, tutored and a disciple to a follower, because the law of ignorance has taken over the totality of his/her being. Such a person can’t take a decision on his/her own without approval from those who have eroded him/her of normal life. They live within the framework of a mind-set they have developed overtime. It is a terrible state because they are in outer darkness, yet unknown to them.

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If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you build theirs.


They are filled with religious bigotry. They suffer psychologically due to their level of exposure. They are perpetual servants. Anyone with mental slavery attitude will not bother to improve at any point and on any level. Such people are generally complacent and have resigned to fate. They are usually characterised with rigidity in all they do. They are not flexible; they do not easily absorb any idea or fact than the ones they have been used to from the onset. They are very conventional.


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A practical example of mental slavery could be seen in so many religious organisations and sects. How many lives have been wasted and destinies destroyed because of this slavery. Hence, any person, church or organisation that doesn’t embrace necessary change in this jet age is plagued with mental or psychological slavery.


Gone are the days when people pay so much attention to going to heaven and become useless on earth. Change is synonymous to progress. God is the author of change, though he doesn’t change. As Christians, we must embrace change in all ramifications as long as those changes align with the word and the will of God. It is high time we embraced both the person and the principle of Jesus.


So many churches are dead because they are non-conformists. They see the influx of innovative ideas and technology as deviation from the old standard set by the founding father(s) of those churches. They forget that the age in which we live is far different from the age in which those founding fathers lived. Hence, decisions made in those days may not be relevant to this age. Refusal to embrace necessary changes has made those churches lose their members and children to other churches, thereby killing the future and vision of such churches.


We need to come to a point where what was right could be wrong and what is wrong could be right, as long as they are non-essential things that don’t compromise the standard of God for his church. The same Jesus who died for people living in the 1960s also died for people living today. But the gospel cannot be preached the way it was preached in those days. Our church buildings and structures must speak volume of the ability of the God we profess to serve.


Our fathers neglected His principles in financial management; hence they were poor. Scripture says “a good man leaves inheritance for his children”; but they left nothing for us than bundles of problems and carry-over of their burden. We cannot afford to leave the same for our yet unborn children.


There must be a paradigm shift from old non-achieving mentality. We must become proud owners of good houses, companies and businesses that will not just exist for prosperity but for posterity. As individuals, let us break away from slavery mentality and live a fulfilled life, so that our children may bless us and thank God for having us as parents, who left good legacy after we are gone to the great beyond.


Whatever you are doing presently that is not yielding any positive result or adding value to your life, cut it off and make a U-turn for a better and profitable tomorrow. Don’t be afraid to change friends and associates, if they are not adding any value to your life. Move away from your comfort zone of mediocrity to a meaningful life of achievement. As you embrace change to be free from everything that has mentally derailed or enslaved you. God will deliver you and take you to your place in destiny in the mighty name of Jesus.



Prayer points
1. Every satanic mentality that has held me, lose in Jesus name.
2. Rock of ages, destroy every wrong information that has deformed my life.
3. Holy Spirit, transform my life and give me a new heart.
4. Oh Lord, give me a new direction for my life.

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