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Man framed, beaten up by police, demands justice on sick bed


The incident happened on August 20, 2014 at a mechanic’s workshop, said to be connected with another incident about four years ago.
The historical angle following a report by one Adams who framed John Ibokiti up for being in possession of stolen goods. Ibokiti was later acquitted at a Magistrate’s Court in Benin.



Policemen on revenge mission

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CHIEF-JOHN-OSHOFU-IBOKITI-(VICTIM-OF-ALLEGED-POLICE-BRUTALITY)His acquittal infuriated the investigating police officers (IPOs), Tunde and Idahosa, who allegedly threatened to deal with him.


Ibokiti recounted the attack on his sick bed at Time Hospital, a private hospital in Benin, where he was treated for multiple wounds.


His words: “I was at a mechanic’s workshop where I took my car for repairs and I met a policeman called Tunde who said he knew me.

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“When I looked at him closely I discovered that it was the same person I had an issue with four years ago and I said to him that ‘my knowing you at that time almost put me into trouble but I have forgiven you.’


“I invited him to join me for a drink. He bought himself a drink and said he could not sit and eat with a criminal. I got angry and called him a mad man for referring to me as a criminal.


“Before I knew what was happening the policeman attacked me and I fell to the ground. What I was eating poured on my clothes. He picked his phone and called some of his colleagues and told them to come and arrest me, that I am an armed robber and a kidnapper.


“I entered into my car and while driving along Ekenwa road, I noticed their patrol van coming behind my car, and the next thing I heard was a gunshot fired at the tyre of my Range Rover jeep. My car abruptly came to a halt.


“They descended on me, pounding my head repeatedly with the butt of their AK 47 riffles and left me for dead. That was the last thing I could remember. I woke up to find myself at this clinic with my friends and family members by my bedside.


“My family members, who came later, went and reported the matter at the Evuotubu police station and at the office of AIG (assistant inspector general of police) Zone 5 where my attackers were identified. But nothing has been done about it.”


Ibokiti maintained that the divisional police officer (DPO) knew that his officers were lying that he was a kidnapper.



Alleged stolen items, court acquittal

Tracing the allegation to an incident about four year ago, he said: “There was a boy called Adams whom I caught with stolen items which he dumped in my compound.


“I invited the police and he was arrested. But surprisingly, the police turned around and arrested me for being in custody of stolen items.


“The matter dragged for almost two years until a Magistrate’s Court in Benin found me not guilty of the crime. Since then the IPOs vowed to deal with me. Which I found very strange.”


Ibokiti appealed to the government and the human rights community to come to his aid “because the intention of the policemen was to terminate my life.”


He demanded justice, saying the incident has confirmed to him that “these people are killing innocent people every day by labelling them armed robbers. If people around never knew me I would have been killed.”



Doctor’s account

The Medical Officer at Time Hospital, D. Taiwo, said he was shocked and thought Ibokiti had died when he was brought in.


“He was brought here unconscious by some good Samaritans, but thank God he is responding to treatment as you can see. He was said to have been beaten by some policemen. He sustained injuries which we have taken care of.”



Eye witness account

An eye witness, popularly called Madam Torino, who operates a bar in Benin, said the viciousness with which the policemen brutalised Ibokiti clearly showed that they wanted to murder him.


“I was at my shop when John, whom we refer to as ‘godfather’ because of his humane nature, phoned me to come with some peppered meat from my bar to meet him at a mechanic’s workshop along Ekenwa road,” she narrated.


“Immediately, I chartered a taxi. On getting there, the cab driver, whom I later discovered is a policeman, started a conversation with John which later degenerated into a heated argument.


“They exchanged harsh words, an indication that they must have had an issue in the past. John offered the taxi driver (whose name I later discovered to be Tunde) a drink which he rejected. Tunde accused him of being an armed robber and a kidnapper.


“Before I knew what was happening Tunde, in a violent rage, attacked John and phoned some policemen to come, saying there was an armed robber there. That was how a team of anti-robbery squad officers caught up with John along Ekenwa road and started to brutalise him.


“It was obvious to onlookers and passers-by that Tunde and his co-travellers were on a vendetta mission against the victim. I witnessed everything that happened and I am ready to speak on television if need be on this matter. This must stop.”



Police promise justice

Police sources confirmed that Tunde and Idahosa are being investigated by the Zone 5 Police Command on the orders of the AIG, with a promise that any officer found guilty will face the law.

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