Monday, September 30, 2024
Home EDITORIAL Government sponsored pilgrimages

Government sponsored pilgrimages


This newspaper is in full support of the resolution of the national conference calling for an enactment of legislation so that the involvement of government at all levels in sponsoring of pilgrimages should end.


Even though there is no enabling legislation backing the conference the speedy enactment of a law is imperative. The opportunity cost of the incursion of the government in pilgrimage sponsorship is horrendous. Religion is a personal issue. And should remain so.


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Inadvertently (it is to be hoped) the entire proposition has become part of a vast political patronage system. The misapplication of resources involved has translated into the creation of seasonal and permanent jobs in Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem and Rome. It has not resulted in the creation of jobs at home. While shoring up the balance of payments of the pilgrims destination, it has hemorrhaged our own balance-of-payments position.


Our position continues to be camouflaged by the export of non-value-added crude oil. The question is for how long? With 70 per cent of the population trapped in poverty, it’s time to call these sorts of indulgences a day. As a columnist has observed elsewhere in this issue the political economy of what has become a business has not helped our economy. The opportunity cost of the misallocation of resources is best left to the imagination.


For this reason, the co-chairmen of the conference committee on religious affairs deserve great kudos. Bishop Felix Ajakaiye and Alhaji Nurudeen Lemu have overcome overriding self-interest and self-service by providing exemplary leadership to the country. We wish that others will follow their worthy example.

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We are aware that such was the lucidity of their presentation that they were twice given a standing ovation for their daring, path-breaking recommendations. The nation owes them a debt of gratitude.


It is our prayer that the National Assembly will now go on and speedily do the needful. This is, after all, what ought to have been done decades ago.

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