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Home FAITH Ebuka Obi: My life, the miracles, attempts to silence me

Ebuka Obi: My life, the miracles, attempts to silence me


Ebuka Obi: My life, my miracles, the attempts to silence me

Spiritual Director of Zion Prayer Movement Outreach, EVANGELIST EBUKA OBI, has a life woven around miracles and service to God. His initiation for prayer ministry commenced even before his birth. He has subsequently led that life of prayer and sacrifice, tied to the triple vows of not having sex before marriage, not leaving the Catholic Church and not being money-minded. Zion ministry, he says, is not a church but a prayer ground. In interceding for worshippers in the Zion Ministry that cut across all denominations and faith, he does not charge money, nor asks for tithes.

Despite his austere carriage, the Evangelist has had to battle with some challenges. Among these, are attempts by ladies to tempt him into sexual relationship. He also faces allegations of faking miracles in the ministry, aside being mocked by some members of the clergy in the mother church. For preaching against occultism and making people surrender their charms and give their life to God, he was recently attacked by gunmen. Notwithstanding, he is not thinking of looking back. He also speaks on his agenda for marriage, relationship with the Catholic Church, tithe controversies, preference for Evangelist instead of Pastor or Bishop, relocation of the Ministry to Ngor-Okpala, among other issues, in this robust encounter. EMEKA ALEX DURU, presents the excerpts.

Low-key birthday anniversary

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I just wanted it to be so. I didn’t want to really invite a lot of people. Many people are angry, saying I didn’t tell them about it. The truth is that I wanted this one to be calmly done. But of course, that day we saw millions of people coming down from different parts of the world. Last year, there were so many things done, but this year I decided to have something small.

Sudden explosion of the Zion Ministry in social media and mainstream media. What happened?

You know, the Bible says that there is time for everything. In Ecclesiastes 1.11, the Bible says, he beautified all things in its time. So, I believe this is time for our manifestation. The scripture said in Romans 8, 18 and 19, that the whole creation is waiting to see the manifestation of the sons and daughters of God.

Social media also helped. We have been here doing well, by God’s grace. God has been bringing people in thousands, even before social media. I believe it’s time of God for more people to get to know what is happening here. It’s just the time.

The journey into evangelism

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That is a long story. It started when I was eight years old. My mother told my twin brother and I that when she got married, she was barren for 11 years. She kept praying to God asking for the fruit of the womb. After 11 years of barrenness, she started having female children. First one was a female. Second one was a female. The third one was a female. I’m from a royal family. If you don’t have a male child, you are like an outcast.

My mom kept crying to God, promising that if God gave her a male child, she would dedicate him to God. Eventually, she became pregnant and in a trance, someone told her that she would have two babies, though she asked for one. She was told that the second twin should be named Chukwuebuka and would serve God all his life.

So, I was kind of initiated from the womb, like the way Samuel was initiated through the mother, Hannah. I was born, or we were born. When I was eight years old, I noticed that people came to me for spiritual matters.

Then, if I looked at someone, I was able to tell the person what would happen to him the next day. And it was unmistakable. I remember I was eight years, and many pregnant mothers came every day. They would ask me to tell them the sex of babies they were going to deliver. I would tell them and it would come to pass. It was unmistakable.

My Dad and my ministry

My father was teaching in a secondary school and my mother was a primary school teacher. My father didn’t really agree with what was happening around me. He was not comfortable seeing a lot of people coming to our compound trying to see a boy of eight years. So, he would flog over this.

Sometimes when I went to church, I would not return. My parents would be looking for me and they will find me in the chapel. When I became 11 years old, it became such that even my teachers came to me because I would not just say what would happen the next day, but also coming deaths.

 I remember when my mother took me to someone, who had been told by the doctor that he would die. I was 10 years old then, but when I looked at the person, I told my mother that the man would not die. The person recovered. So, I became famous even in the village. Among my schoolmates, I was popular because people came from other towns to look for me.

Rev Fr. Odinkemere intervenes

My father continued to flog me, until one Reverend Father came to our parish, Rev Fr. Luke Odinkemere. Then I was 12 years old. He called my father and my mother and advised that they should stop flogging or worrying about me. He said that the grace of God was upon me and that I would serve God. He told my parents that God would use me mightily.

It was the intervention of the Reverend Father, Luke Odinkemere, that made my father to slow down in flogging me. But I cannot forget that the Reverend Father warned me. He told me not to have sex until I marry. Yes, he also said that for me to maintain God’s grace I must not sleep with a woman until I get married. I was just 12 years old then.

The Reverend Father also said that I should not open a church. He said he saw where I was talking to millions of people, but that I should not leave the Catholic Church where I was born. I didn’t understand what he meant by don’t open a church, don’t have sex until you marry. He also said I should not be money-minded. The Reverend Father said that if I kept these three things, I would go far.

I was barely 12 years old when he said these to me. That time, he always went everywhere with me. He was a spiritual priest. If he was going to neutralise a deity or charm, he went with me because I could tell what would happen. Those instructions given to me by the Reverend Father have kept me till today.

My vows to God

I had promised God that I would not have sex until I marry. I’ve not had sex before. Zion ministry is not a church. It is a prayer ground. Because of those instructions given to me, I don’t baptise. I don’t wed people. People come here, we pray together, and they go. Muslims come here, Christians, Hindus, everybody come. Here is a prayer ground.

I still maintain my Catholic faith. I do not charge anybody. I’ve never asked anybody to give me tithes. I’ve never asked anybody to bring bazaar to me. I’ve never asked anybody before to touch the shoe of man of God with N10 million or whatever. I totally struggle to keep those three promises.

People who bring money here do so willingly. Nobody forced them, nobody tasked them. God has been seeing me through till today. It’s a gift I was born with. I’ve not gone to any seminary school before. I’ve not gone to any Bible school before. But when people see me studying, preaching, praying, they will think one big man of God had lectured me.


Zion Ministry’s South East Conference

Coming to Lagos and inherent experiences

I came to Lagos to work, but eventually the person I was working with had some issues with me. I remember the day one man came to buy goods. As I was attending to him, I saw that he had a wound, a smelly wound that refused to heal for years. I placed hand on the wound, and the next day, the wound dried. The news spread. The next day, more than 50 people swooped on our office, wanting to see me. My boss said that that was not why I was there.

When I went to Catholic Church, I didn’t have a rest because of demand from people. Even during Mass, people would swarm of me wanting me to touch them, pray for them. I kept running from one Catholic Church to another on Sunday.

In my office at Idumota, people came to me, not to buy goods but for me to pray for them. So, my life became somehow, I was so miserable that I didn’t have a hiding place.

In my house, my landlady gave me a quit notice, because sometimes they brought people suffering epilepsy in the night, knocking on the gate. So, my landlady was uncomfortable and gave me a quit notice. Somebody later told me that somewhere in Amuwo Odofin was a place some pastors went to pray. They called it “desert.”  That place is now called Prayer Estate. Some pastors went there to have a quiet time with God. I started going to that place. Everywhere was bushy. I started going there to pray. People noticed that I went there on Sundays and started coming there to look for me.

Zion Ministry takes off

That was how Zion Ministry started. I never planned to have a ministry. I never planned to have a prayer group called Zion Ministry.

People started coming to that “desert” to look for me. In hundreds, they were coming. The owners of the land didn’t like the fact that a lot of people were coming to look for me and were bent of stopping me. They banned me from going into the place but left some other pastors that had small groups.

People didn’t like this development.  They confessed that they enjoyed my prayers. Some people, from nowhere contributed money, and I supported them, to buy the first four plots of land Zion Ministry is located now. That was how we came here.

It was when we came here that we started looking for a name to call the place. It was never my plan to have a ministry. The journey just started like that. And it has not been easy. I have suffered attacks from different angles. I have experienced attack from east, west, north, and south.

Some time ago, the occult people launched an attack because I make people surrender their charms. There were three gunmen who came in a bid to attack me.  One of them was arrested and the two others fled.

Controversy on some pastors insisting on tithe

There is nothing wrong with tithe. It’s one of the scriptural principles. I have never preached about it here for people to be giving me tithe. There are other ministries that collect tithe. Whether it’s a church or a house of God, tithe is to support the work, to help the people. I’ve never for one day collected or even asked people to bring here. I believe that people should do what they want to do from their hearts.

Tithe is a scriptural principle, but it’s not mandatory. It’s not a sin if you don’t pay tithe.  The way we are hearing it today on social media, some people saying if you don’t pay tithe, no heaven for you. They said that if you don’t pay tithe, God will tighten your hand and that if you don’t pay tithe, God will punish you. I don’t know about that. What I know is that in Malachi 3.10, the Bible just made it simple. Bring your tithe in my house and I will open doors and I will drive away cankerworm and locusts. It’s one of the scriptural principles. But it’s not force, that when you don’t pay, you have offended God.

You know that here pastors magnify and amplify it so much. That is what is bringing a lot of controversy. But to me, if some people are willing to pay their tithe, they should pay. If some people are not willing to pay, it’s not a sin to them. What I believe in finance in the ministry is let people do what they want to do.

I’ve never asked people to bring me first fruit before or give me tithes. Some people say, that Jesus did not pay tithe, he didn’t collect tithe. They say that tithe is Old Testament or something. But the same people are saying “no weapon fashioned against me shall prosper,” which is of the Old Testament. So, if you want to delete it, that means you have to delete and tear the Old Testament out of the Bible. Jesus did not come to condemn the Old Testament. The Bible says he has come to make it reality.

Relationship with the Catholic Church?

I was baptised in the Catholic Church, received holy Communion in Catholic Church and I was confirmed by the late Bishop Gregory Ochiagha of Orlu Diocese. You can imagine that some Reverend Fathers who have ministries like this are being kicked, even by their fellow priests, not to talk of when a layman is doing it. So many priests love me; many bishops love me, but some are still doubting, asking “what is he doing? Why would he possess such power? He’s not a Catholic priest. Why would he possess that power? Why would he be pulling crowd?” It’s normal, I don’t blame them.

Some of the saints passed through it. Some past saints suffered it because of the miracles they did. But later, they realise that the saints were not doing the wrong thing, but doing the right thing.

I don’t blame some of the priests and bishops who don’t agree with me. Everybody will not agree with what you are doing. Even Jesus Christ was not accepted by everybody; they even said he worked miracles with power not of God.

Some priests call me from outside the country, saying we are making the church proud. They said they have never seen any ministry by a lay person as large as ours in the history of the world. People say that there is nobody who had this kind of ministry in the Catholic Church who has never departed or started wedding people. They confess that they have never seen us wedding anybody or baptising anybody. They know what is happening here.

I love those who misunderstand me. I don’t despair over it. When Fr. Stephen Njoku started, so many people were against him. But today, he is the talk of the town everywhere. Those powerful priests in the ministry are even tormented, kicked against by some of their fellow priests. Those working against priests may not know what they are doing. The Bible says, a time will come when those who will hate you, those that will kill you will think they are doing the right thing.

I love the Catholic Church and I’m going nowhere. I will die here. If they blow me, I will stay in the church. One thing I love in the Catholic Church is that nobody can ban you not to be a Catholic. I have got to the level that I can never be anything except Catholic because I have already been confirmed.

The only thing you can do to make me not to be a Catholic is to wake up the late Bishop Ochiagha from the grave and get him to take away the oil of confirmation from my head. So far that can’t happen, I must remain a Catholic.

Preference for Evangelist instead of Pastor or Bishop or Archbishop as in other places

 I just want to serve God humbly, gently. Even the evangelist, I’m not the one who called myself that. People started writing it. When I preached a good message, they say this guy is an evangelist. I’ve never for one day declared myself an evangelist, pastor, prophet. I see myself as Brother Ebuka. People are the one adding evangelist to my name.

Coping without marriage?

When it comes to temptation by women, it’s a normal thing. I’m not so ugly that women will not come looking for me. Women go to married men of God, not to talk of when they know I’m not married. But one of the things that is keeping me is setting the boundary. “Remove your sandal, for where you are standing is a holy ground”! There is a part of me you cannot cross because I love anointing more than sex.

I know the vow I took. I enjoy the anointing. I enjoy governors calling me on the phone, seeking advice from me, senators calling me, seeking advice from me. I enjoy it more than five- or ten-minute sex. There are cameras here in my office. Some girls used to come here and open their breasts. You’ll be seeing these breasts open. I would tell them that the camera person is downstairs watching everything happening in this office. In this office, there are cameras there. My camera team is watching what is happening in this office. I made it so to safeguard myself. I don’t go out easily. My movement is from this office to Zion Ground.

Sometimes I stay six months and not go out, except I have a crusade abroad or other countries. I don’t keep relationships. They have tried to track me in so many ways. You can’t get me. Before you get me on phone, it may take six months or one year. I have phones that ring every second. But before you get to speak with me, it may take time.

My personal life is very private. I don’t really give people access to me, ladies and men, except on consultation in the office. And I refuse to be staying in my house. Most of my stay is on Zion Ground because I’m not married. So, what am I going home to do? I sleep on the altar. I wake up on the altar. I’m dedicated to what I’m doing. I’ve studied the scripture.

I understand the mistake of other prophets. And I learn from them. Somebody like David, somebody like Samson, I know their mistakes. Women are a powerful thing that can pull any man down. What God put in them is highly irresistible. They are part of us. And I cannot avoid them because so many of them work with me closely. But I set boundary, powerful boundary.

Knowing that it is one of the three vows warnings – don’t have sex until you are married – I don’t even think about it. It’s affecting me to decide who to marry because I don’t know who is who. I am praying about who to marry. I am praying hard.

You have a crowded schedule. How do you unwind? How do you relax?

That is a very big problem to me. My mother has cried; my father has cried, everybody. That I have never collapsed is just the grace of God. I don’t know the last time I have closed my eyes and slept for like two hours. I can’t remember the year. Sometimes, I will be having meetings until 6 am. Where I sleep is my altar and I sleep on the tiles. To maintain grace is not easy. It takes a sacrifice to get to the top, but it takes a greater sacrifice to remain on the top.

What I do is not easy in order to maintain people coming here all over the world, including foreigners. The hotels are filled up with foreigners. So, I need to do a lot of things, but it’s not healthy for me. I don’t even know why I have not been admitted in the hospital. For years now, I have never taken analgesic tablet. I don’t sleep long. I don’t rest. That is just the honest truth. I don’t even know why I am still alive today.

 I am very busy. No human being will be having high engagement without time of rest and still be strong.  It’s my fault. They said I should also set a boundary the way I have set a boundary with women. I need to plan my life so that I can also have a time of rest, which is important.

Movement of the Zion Ministry headquarters to Ngor Okpala a spiritual direction or just chosen because of the location?

So many things are involved. One is that this place does not contain us. Last two years, I think the governor of Lagos was coming to my birthday and there was so much traffic; I think he turned back. The road is always blocked. People would be standing.

For us to keep buying and buying land here is not easy.  Because of the presence of Zion Ministry here, the land is so expensive. So, why can’t we go to a place where we can buy a lot of land cheaper?

 Secondly, I am the type that have Igbo interests at heart. I don’t know how this will sound but I am an adult. I have Igbo interests at heart. I have come to realise that Igbo are the only people in this earth that develop other regions but their own region is undeveloped. If you listened to my speech, I made it so clear in Ngor Okpala. Go to America, you will see Igbo and their industrialisation. Go to Abuja, you will see them.

The best estates and houses in Abuja are owned by Igbo people. Go to Cameroon, go to Ghana. We are the only people who develop other regions but our own region is undeveloped. Somebody has to make a move. But this place does not contain us during weekly activities, not in major programmes. So, based on that we considered Ngor Okpala. If you followed the programme we did there, we rented two and half million chairs and majority still stood.

 Where can we host that crowd here? No stadium can contain the people that were in Ngor Okpala. It was the biggest crowd so far in the South East. No gathering has been more than that.

So, knowing that we don’t have much space here to host us, we have to go there. Also, we want to help the people there because a lot people are dying of hunger there. No infrastructure, no company. That was I dropped Olive Oil and we prayed: anything holding the Igbo must be destroyed. I don’t think we are acting with our senses. We develop everywhere but our land is not developed. We are comfortable in Ghana, Congo, Kano and elsewhere answering Eze Ndigbo but the village of that person has no light. If is caused by juju, it must spoil by fire, by force.

The reasons behind Seraphic Foundation?

When I was praying in 2009, the Lord told me that He will bless me but I will be a blessing to people. When we came back to Lagos, we formed what we called welfare team. From welfare, I was praying in Sagamu and the Lord said I should name my foundation Seraphic.

Today, we have Seraphic Water and Seraphic Hospital etc. If you go to Anambra, I am building a psychiatric hospital, Old People’s Home and a less privileged home. I am using 30 plots of land to build them. It is a massive project going on in Aguleri in Anambra State. It will be free of charge. It is my intention not to see any mad person on the street anymore. It is only in Igboland that you can be seeing mad people in every market. When I finish, we will have a team that will be going everywhere picking them. We are already doing that in Lagos and we will extend it to other parts of Nigeria. But charity begins at home. Everything will be free for the inmates.

I told God that everything He has given me I will give it out. I don’t fancy being a billionaire. One day we will all die and nobody will enter the grave with money. Every term I pay over N80 million as school fees for secondary and primary school pupils. I am not taking about people I have in higher institutions. One of them came out the other day to thank me. So, everything God has given me, I give it out. There is joy in helping the people. I love it with my life. I don’t want to keep anything that God has given me.

I want to leave a legacy. I don’t see the need of having money and people are going through pains. I give out things given to me. I don’t touch offering money. The only thing I use offering money to do is charity. I see it as a curse for me to touch offering money for my personal need. I have never for one day used any money for the ministry for my personal need. But I use it to help people. I don’t even use offering money to buy car. Every car I have people gave to me. I love helping people.

Claims of some miracles being faked?

I don’t blame those people that said that because during the time of Jesus, they also said fake. But I don’t know why people will wake up and say he performed a fake miracle whereby the person the miracle happened to, before he will allow you to perform he will mention your name, your village, your local government area and your state for verification. You will give us evidence of the past and after the miracle.

You know, when you are doing well, people must look for something to bring you down. That is the nature of people. Yes, there could be a video of some pastors that are doing fake but that does not mean everybody does that.

Every Sunday, we normally ask people to submit their charms because so many people go to church and still have charms in their pockets. So, every Sunday and Wednesday, we will say if you are that kind of Christian that have charm and you are going to church submit it. So, people are submitting their charms willingly every Sunday.

One day, early this year, about 12 of them came out. One of them called Jonathan, I don’t know him. He said, “I saw you in my dream when you were praying, you are a wonderful person”. I was putting microphone in their mouth to talk why they decided to submit their charms. It is in our video.

I didn’t know the man anywhere, I didn’t give him prophecy that he had charm. He came out with other people when I said if you know you came with your charm come out. He came out on his own. The next thing, I was surprised, one church very close to us called him. It is like he was going to that church. They didn’t even allow him to talk, they asked him to kneel down. They told him that he had been going to pastors to say he has charm so they will give him money. The man was afraid, he was shaking.

They started saying that Ebuka is doing arrange (arranged). I was asking myself, I didn’t give him prophecy, he didn’t say he was healed. It was just that he came out to submit his charm. They man said one church close to us called him. He said he had been there before and they have his number but they don’t use to submit charm there, so he didn’t need to bring out his charm there. He said when he noticed that people submit their charm here was when he decided to bring it out. The man still comes to Zion Ministry till today. They still call him. Calling him for what? Was he the only one that came out that day? What do I need to get that he submitted his charm?

But that circulated everywhere. Some enemies of Zion kept pushing. That was even before Ngor Okpala. Those nonsense they talk even promoted us more because when your hand is clean, God will always make a way for you when there is no way.

I don’t know what they call fake in my life. What I am doing is not what I learned. I was born with it. So, how can I fake my life? And how many years will you do fake without you being caught? This is about 16 years of Zion Ministry. Nobody has ever come out and say he did fake with me. You cannot hide the truth for a long time. You cannot hide lies, you cannot cover it for a long time.

We are online for 24 hours. Every programme that I am doing is on air. I don’t blame them so much those that say fake. They don’t understand. Carnal people cannot understand things of the spirit. Sometimes when we pray people fall on the ground and they will say this is arrange (arranged), this is fake. They did it to Jesus. These people saying we are doing fake are in the club. They are not born again. How can you be in club, some of them may even be on top of a woman that time they are saying fake.

The Bible says taste every spirit. If you go to a church where the spirit of God dwells you will know. The Bible says by their fruit you shall know them. When a man of God will be telling you fetish things or will be after money or say bring money let me work for you, that person is a native doctor in disguise.  No authentic man of God will charge you money to pray for you. That is one the signs to know the fake ones. They will tell you to bring money to buy spiritual materials. That is a native doctor in suit.

So when you go to any church where they are doing fake, you will know. They will tackle you to fall on the ground instead of calling the anointing to do that. They will tell you to pay tithe for baby in your womb and you will show seed upon seed. They are the ones that will tell you the amount that you will sow; they are the ones that will tell you how many bags of cement that you will bring. That is the evidence of being fake because Jesus never tasked people.

It’s only when we have project that we call for support. There is nothing I will do for those that came out that I will not do for those that didn’t come out. It’s not force. I don’t treat those that are supporting differently.

Grooming people for continuity? Plans for expansion?

It’s a very good question. In fact, it’s one of our problems here. I don’t even know the mindset of Zion members. We have some people that can preach here but any time they come online and see that I am not there, they will reduce in number. It’s very wrong. I have talked to the members. It’s the same grace that this person has is the same grace another has in the ministry. Because of that, I push to do most of things I am not supposed to be doing again.

Evangelist Ebuka Obi

I don’t think a good institution can be built in that way. We are training some people now. It’s one of our biggest problems. People have so trust in me that if they don’t see me sometimes they don’t come, which is totally wrong.

Agenda for marriage?

I pray it happens this year. I have never been as serious as I am now. Everybody should help me and pray.

Emphasis on family values and wives being loyal to their husbands

This is because marriage values are going down every day. There is a programme we normally have every Tuesday and see couples coming from all over the world and boldly telling me their experiences. The issue is that I grew up with my father and mother being together. But now it’s a totally different thing. Some women used to come and tell me to pray for their husband to die. They say their husband is a trouble maker. I will ask, how can I pray for your husband, the father of your children, to die? These are the kind of things we hear these days.

People now marry because of one thing or the other and because of that the rate of divorce is high. Go to courts in Abuja and Lagos here let them give you the number of people divorcing. The thing in the western world whereby you can marry and in the next few months you are out is already happening here. And it is not the will of God.

Specifically, Jesus said he hates divorce. For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and join with a woman. And what God has joined together, let no man put asunder.

But today marriage values are destroyed. Ladies want to have their own children, they want to even be free. Go to America and you will see about  60 percent of Nigeria women there are no longer with their husbands. Because when they go there, they will understand and realize the power of women there. Women are men there and men are women. And there are some benefits when you leave your husband with children. As far as your husband is working, a large chunk of his salary will be coming to the woman to take care of the children as child support.

The court may even ask the man to leave. A man told that he had a house with his wife but when they divorced, the court asked him to leave the house and his wife brought another man into his house and he is now a tenant.

The marriage values are destroyed. People don’t value the instruction. Go and investigate, most of the criminal elements in America today are children from broken homes. There are unique things that happen when a child grows up with his father and mother. That is one the things that motivated me to hold the programme every Tuesday. And that is why I am also careful not to make a mistake because people will laugh at me. That is why I am paying fervently. I just want to see the direction of God this year to marry so that I can rest. My parents are worried.

High and low moments in life

What makes me happy is when I am teaching and I see people giving their life to Christ. That is the best thing that makes me happy. We just concluded a seven-day programme and people came out submitting their charms, dropping their laptops as yahoo yahoo guys.

I was nearly killed on Saturday last week because I condemned occultism. So, some group of occultists sent people. Two ran away with their guns and one was caught with dagger. You see, many young people are leaving cultism when I preach, leaving different societies they were in. When I see multitude in Zion Ministry waving hands to God instead of them being in one native doctor’s house, it makes me happy that the body of Christ is moving forward.

The greatest thing that makes me sad is when I feel I have offended God. It makes me restless. Anytime I think I have done what is wrong or what I shouldn’t have done, it makes me sad. I will do confession and I won’t get myself until I am sure I have reconciled with God because I have many enemies. When I have done what I think is not right, I feel that it will give the enemy chance to get me. So, it makes me sad.

Odieshi programme

It is coming up in the second week of December. We always do that as end of the year programme, asking God for protection.

Hardship in the country

Everything going on in Nigeria did not start now. We have a problem, no doubt about it. Our duty is to continue to pray to God and talk to people in government to do better. People are passing through horrible experiences, no doubt about it. We will continue to pray to God to help Nigeria, and talk to our leaders to always do what is right. It’s not easy out there. Many car owners have parked their cars because of the cost of fuel. If you can buy fuel now that can take you to somewhere and back, you wave hand to God. I heard that people have gone back to buying rice in cups. So, we pray to God to help us because Proverbs 21 vs 1 says that the heart of a king is in the hand of God. I pray for the government and leaders everyday for God to help. It is not the time to throw words. Throwing words from now till tomorrow cannot yield any fruit. We commit them in prayer; we ask God to take over and keep reminding them of the things their eyes may not get to.

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