Thursday, January 9, 2025
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Divine breakthrough


“…Look; I have placed before you an open door that no man is able to close” (Rev. 3:8).



The above scripture is a direct revelation of God to the Church in Philadelphia. Although nothing is known about the origin of the Church in Philadelphia, in AD 100 to 160, the Church prospered under the ministry of a prophetess named Ammia, who was universally recognised as ranking with Agabus and the four daughters of Philip in her possession of the gift of prophecy (Eusebius Ecclesiastical History 5.17.2).

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Long after the surrounding country had succumbed to Muslim control under Turkey, Philadelphia remained strong as a Christian Community till 1392 when things turned the other way round. The historical allusion about Philadelphia brings us to the understanding of God’s declaration when He said: “I know your deeds; you have little strength, yet you have kept My word and have not denied my name. Behold; I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut” (v.8).


“Open door” is a deeper revelation of God to the present day Church (members) who seem to stand behind closed doors of mission to the non-gospel receptive nations of the world where other oriental religions have ravaged. Although our major concern here is not the passiveness of the Church on global mission engagement, I am rather inspired to exegetically reveal God’s compassionate concern about His people over their seeming wasted opportunities in life. The pain of operating behind closed doors of bright opportunities in life is unbearable. Thus, the Lord says: “Behold; I will place before you an open door that no man is able to shut.” It is an assurance of resounding breakthrough in life.


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The idea of breakthrough here is the express entrance of someone into an arena of celebration unhindered by some powers. It connotes an idea of persistent push or resilient spirit in Christ against limitation. God is on course to dismantle every roadblock mounted by Satan on your road to great destiny. He will give you power to break the iron gate that bars you from gaining access to bright opportunities. Hold on to His grace and be circumspect in your walk with Him.


In Acts 5:19, the apostles were remanded in prison custody, but an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the prison in the night, brought them out, and said “go”. This was against the wish of their Jewish jailers who had put them into prison to stop them from spreading further the word of God. The prison was employed as an instrument of constraint to frustrate their mission and stop their destiny journey half way. But at night, the Lord released His angels to open the door of the prison and set the apostles free.


The supernatural power of God broke into pieces the iron bars of the prison to set His people free. Are you in a mental cage? Are you stifled by circumstances of life? Are you working in a place where you are under-utilised, so that nobody ever knows your full worth? Are you in any spiritual prison of any type? God will send forth His angels to fight on your behalf.


Acts records two occasions of God’s supernatural onslaught which brought about breakthrough among His people. In Acts 16, Paul and Silas were thrown into prison by the opposition party, with the determination to stop them from preaching the Gospel, but about midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly, there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken, and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone’s chain came loosed (Acts 16:25-26).


Brethren, in this season of global awareness about God’s missionary concern over nations that are far off, whose citizens are in prison, shut out of grace and the full benefit of His kingdom, God shall send violent earthquake to shake every immoral and satanic foundation that had over time held you spell-bound. He has promised to open the gate of victory for you and no man shall be able to shut it.


In this season God’s agenda for the Church is yet to be fully unfolded. It is a progressive journey which must surely take you to the other side of life. It begins just one day at a time. Behold, the Lord opens effectual door of employment, promotion, salvation, fruitfulness, good health, financial prosperity, deliverance etc. Keep trusting the Lord. I pray God to deliver you from every spirit of delay and wasted opportunity in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

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