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Home HEADLINES MOWCA secretary general supports IMO call for release of Piracy victims

MOWCA secretary general supports IMO call for release of Piracy victims


“Activities of these organisations and supporting countries have become a coordinated effort to stamp out acts of piracy and maritime crimes in the Gulf of Guinea; to which relative calm was achieved in the last few years.”

By Uzor Odigbo

Secretary General of the Maritime Organisation of West and Central Africa (MOWCA) Dr Paul Adalikwu has expressed support for the quick release of the 6 crew members of MV Monjasa Reformer, kidnapped on March 25 2023.

Adalikwu who described the incident as disheartening in a statement issued in Abidjan said gains have been recorded in a coordinated effort to stamp out acts of piracy and maritime crimes in the Gulf of Guinea; to which relative calm was achieved in the last few years.

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MOWCA in the statement said it fully supports Kitack Lim, Secretary General of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in condemning the dastardly act and called for more cooperation amongst Navies of various countries and bodies concerned with securing the Gulf of Guinea.


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“Maritime Organisation of West and Central Africa (MOWCA) recognises and appreciates the deliberate efforts and collaboration achieved by the regional navies within the Gulf of Guinea.

“Laudable feats by bodies like Gulf of Guinea Maritime Collaboration Forum (SHADE/MCF), G7++ Friends of Gulf of Guinea (FOGG); regional maritime security architectures like the Interregional Coordination Centre (ICC), Maritime Domain Awareness for Trade – Gulf of Guinea (MDAT GoG), Nigeria’s Deep Blue Project / C4i and other critical stakeholders have been very helpful in suppressing maritime crimes in the Gulf of Guinea.

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“Activities of these organisations and supporting countries have become a coordinated effort to stamp out acts of piracy and maritime crimes in the Gulf of Guinea; to which relative calm was achieved in the last few years.

“It is, therefore, disheartening to note the incident of MV Monjasa Reformer, which occurred on 25 March 2023 where six (6) crew members were kidnapped.

“MOWCA stands fully with His Excellency Kitack Lim, Secretary General of IMO in condemning the dastardly act and joins in calling for even more cooperation and information sharing between regional and international navies for safe and quick release of the six (6) crew members taken hostage,” Adalikwu said in the statement

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