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TRIBUTE: For Bisi Ogunjobi, goodnight dear friend


Writing a befitting tribute of a dear friend as Bisi is hard to compose as his sudden home-call is still a dream. Bisi Ogunjobi was a brother as well as caring, large-hearted, affectionate and trustworthy friend.

By Timiebi Koripamo-Agary

Good afternoon.

Trust you are fine.

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Just to touch base with you as I have not heard from you.

Are you back in Nigeria? Keep well.


My brother I am still away O O!

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Thank you for checking!

Trust you are doing well.

I am very well, thank God.

But I shall be back soon Sha.”

Bisi and I exchanged above messages on August 23, 2022. We stayed in touch regularly through SMS, WhatsApp messages or telephone calls (not WhatsApp). 

Then on Monday, September 12, I got an early morning call. The female voice at the other end was agitated and hesitant.  It was her birthday and I readily offered my apology for not calling her first. But she was very distraught. I asked what was the matter?  “What is going on?” And she blurted, “it’s Bisi O O!” We both knew a few Bisis. So, I asked which of the Bisis. “Bisi Ogunjobi” came the pained response. What happened? “I just got a call that he died yesterday, Sunday.” The news was shocking but I didn’t believe my ears. I quickly got on the phone and called a UI ’67 Sister. She hadn’t heard. She said she would make calls. I reached out to another person I believed would know. After an interminably long few minutes, it was confirmed. The unexpected had happened!

The cold hands of death collected Bisi to the beyond.

Writing a befitting tribute of a dear friend as Bisi is hard to compose as his sudden home-call is still a dream. His text to me two months ago is still fresh. Bisi Ogunjobi was a brother as well as a caring, large-hearted, affectionate and trustworthy friend. Some of us met him while at the University of Ibadan in 1967 and became proud members of the indomitable UI 67 Class; standing strong in love and selfless service.  Others met him at work, particularly the African Development Bank (AfDB), where he served for nearly three decades. He was our most recent UI 67 Class President and was very effective in inspiring the Class to support each other. He challenged the Class to love each other and support each other’s social projects.

When I visited Abidjan in the 1990s, I thought to just stop by his office and catch up after a long while.  He took time not only to see me, but took me out for lunch. He was a Vice President of the Bank but there was no “feferity” about him. He was unassuming, highly respected in the Bank, and reputed for his humility, simplicity and how he treated every staff member with respect, dignity and equanimity.  In 2005, all of his friends, especially the AfDB gang, were preparing to celebrate him as the President of AfDB. We were all heart broken when his candidacy was withdrawn. But he took it well and moved on with his service to his country and community. He exemplified true spirit of sportsmanship, living his conviction that God has the ultimate say in human destiny.  

In 2020, when a dear friend and a former staff of AfDB who worked with him passed away, it was Bisi who coordinated, from Lagos, her tributes.  He was a truly compassionate and de-tribalized man. We have shared memories of his life from different spectrum of our relationship. From the vintage space of family members, friends, colleagues and co-workers, we express our grief and mourn the loss that will forever be in our hearts. We grieve his death by sharing here such fun memories and legacies.

So, who was this great man that we lost so unexpectedly….

Elder (Dr.) Olabisi OGUNJOBI, OON, FNES was an accomplished Development Economist, Consultant, Public Policy Analyst, Author and Philanthropist.

Elder (Dr.) OGUNJOBI was born on January 6, 1947 in Ikare Akoko, Ondo State, to Chief Aliu Fele-Jobi, Baba Ewe of Ikare, and Mrs. Bilikisu Kaliat Fulani Fele-Jobi. He was a descendant of the Iyofen Family, an extended Fele-Jobi family in the Ishakunmi community of Ikare. His father was a wealthy flamboyant businessman who traded in cocoa. He was nicknamed ‘Fele’. ‘Jobi’ was taken from his actual surname, Ogunjobi. Thus, he was known as ‘Fele-Jobi’. This accounts for why some of his siblings have ‘Jobi-Fele’ or Jobi as a surname, while others maintained ‘Ogunjobi’.

Elder (Dr.) OGUNJOBI enrolled in Emmanuel Anglican Primary School, Ikare in 1953 and completed his primary education in 1959. He proceeded to Victory College, Ikare in pursuit of his Secondary Education and later was admitted as one of the pioneer students to the newly established Ado-Ekiti Grammar School in 1960. He passed out of Ado-Ekiti Grammar School in 1965 and proceeded to Ibadan Grammar School for his higher School Certificates (HSC) where his interest in Economics grew. A year later, he gained admission to study Economics at the University of Ibadan in 1967 as a direct entry student, and graduated from the University of Ibadan in 1970.

Olabisi Ogunjobi met his wife, Mercy Olabisi on October 22, 1977, and they got married on February 3, 1979 in Ondo State. Their marriage was blessed with three sons.

After graduation, he worked briefly in the private sector before joining the Central Bank of Nigeria in January 1971 where he quickly rose to become a Senior Economist at the Research Department of the Bank.

He started his international professional career in 1975 when he was seconded to the Conference on International Economic Cooperation (CIEC), better known as the North South Dialogue in Paris, France as Adviser on Finance and Development to the 27 developing countries negotiating with the developed countries.

This international exposure provided the opportunity for him to join the African Development Bank, in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire as an Economist in 1978 in the Research Department of the bank. During his 28 years of service at the AfDB, he worked in several policy and operations positions. In 1983, he opened the first Regional Office in Southern Africa, as the Regional Representative for Southern Africa based in Harare, Zimbabwe; he was promoted to Director, Country Programmes North and West Africa; Director, Economic Policy, 1997-1999; Director of Operations; and Adviser to Vice-President Operations, before being appointed as Vice President Operations West and Central Africa. As Vice President, he was responsible for the Bank’s strategic and operational policies and supervised the management of the annual lending program of about USD 1.5 billion. In 2005, he was Nigeria’s candidate for the Presidency of the AfDB.

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After retirement as Vice President of the AfDB, he was the Focal Point for Islamic Development Bank in Nigeria and served as the Chairman of the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN). He held several Corporate Board appointments including the Boards of Directors of Zimbabwe Development Bank, Development Bank of Zambia, African Export-Import Bank, and Global Trust Bank Ltd in Uganda. He was the Lead Partner, Mcfeley Development Associates; Chairman, SeedVest Microfinance Bank, Chairman of Pearl & Apricot Limited; and Vitachem Nigeria Limited.

Elder Bisi Ogunjobi served as the Coordinator, National Technical Working Group (Corporate Governance) Vision 20: 2020. He was also a Member, Governance & Media Working Group First Medium-Term Implementation Plan 2011-2013 of Vision 20:20. He served as a Member of the Ondo State Economic Advisory Committee 2007-2008.  Elder Ogunjobi was an avid reader and published books on youth empowerment and contemporary economic development issues namely:

  1. Sharing Knowledge for Youth Empowerment and National Development;
  2. A Journey through African Development: Autobiography;
  3. Transformation Paradigms in Africa Development;
  4. The Imperatives for Youth Empowerment and National Development; and
  5. Araba Afelele: Life and Times of High Chief Aliu Fele Ogunjobi – Baba Ewe of Ikare Kingdom

In academia, he was a veteran of university administration and management. He served for more than 13 years as Pro Chancellor and Chairman of the Governing Council of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko Ondo State.

 Elder Ogunjobi served as the pioneer Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Glorious Vision University (formerly Samuel Adegboyega University), Ogwa, Edo State and later as the Pioneer Pro-Chancellor and Chairman Governing Council of the University. 

While serving as Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Governing Council of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko Ondo State, I recall how he used his network of friends and associates to source information and resources to support the programmes, faculty and students of the University.

As a Development Banker, he was very concerned about Nigeria’s developmental challenges and was actively involved in finding solutions to these challenges. His wealth of experience was available to contribute to the economic development plan of Nigeria.

He was the Vice Chairman of the University of Ibadan Advancement Board. Elder Ogunjobi also held traditional Chieftaincy titles from Nigeria and Cameroon.

He was the Maiyegun of Okeagbe, Ondo State; Tamanji (Pathfinder) of Bamenda, Cameroon and Kobori of Aiyedun Oke Ekiti State. He was fluent in English and French.

He founded the Bisi Ogunjobi Foundation (BOF) – a youth education empowerment NGO, in 1993 that has provided scholarships to over 1,000 university students and many physically challenged recipients. The BOF Community Medical Initiative focuses on support for Sickle Cell Disorder, High blood pressure and Diabetes.

He received awards from several organizations including:​

  1. Honorary Doctorate Degree in Business Administration from Adekunle Ajasin University
  2. University of Ibadan Life Achievement Award
  3. Fellow of the prestigious Nigeria Economic Society
  4. 2010 Kwame Nkrumah Leadership Award for Youth Empowerment and Development
  5. National Association of Ondo State Students for Philanthropy;
  6. Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Integrity Award and
  7. National Association of Nigeria Students (NANS) Humanitarian Service Award

Chief Bisi OGUNJOBI was a recipient of the National Honour of Officer of the Order of Niger (OON) of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. He also received national honours from several other countries including:

  1. Chevalier de l’Ordre National of the Republic of Burkina Faso
  2. Chevalier de l’Ordre National of the Republic of Mali; and
  3. Officier de l’Ordre du Mérite of the Republic of Niger. 

In July 2022, he was honoured with a Festschrift of great accolades and respect initiated and accomplished by the Department of Economics, Glorious Vision University, Ogwa. It was an honour given to him for meritorious service in the academic institutions, corporate world and public sector.

Dr. Bisi Ogunjobi was devout Christian and an Elder in The Apostolic Church Nigeria (TACN) and Baba Ijo of Emmanuel Church Ikare Akoko Ondo State.

We truly grieve at the suddenness of his passing. Those we have lost we grieve and hold in our hearts with love. As we mourn him, let us keep his memory and legacy in our hearts and remember him with love. May we continue to honour him by strengthening the bond of our common humanity, forging for a better Nigeria where peace and prosperity will reign. It is our earnest prayer that his exemplary light continues to shine brightly for generations to come and may his memory be a blessing. May Our Loving God comfort and sustain his family, especially his wife, children, and his replica of a grandson on his DP. May Angels accompany him to his Eternal Rest. Goodnight till we meet to part no more.

  • Dr. Timiebi Koripamo-Agary, OON, KSM, is a former Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Labour & Productivity

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