Sunday, June 2, 2024
Home HEADLINES NCDC upgrades its biorespiratory laboratory

NCDC upgrades its biorespiratory laboratory


The biorepository laboratory project was implemented in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Health, NCDC, and the Institute of Human Virology Nigeria.

By Stella-Maris Okwaranyia

Nigeria’s disease control efforts may have received a boost with the support of the United States Government in the upgrading of the biorepository laboratory, Yaba, operated by Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, NCDC.

The project was made possible by the United States Centre for Disease Control and Prevention through COVID-19 CARES Act funding.

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In addition to the provision of equipment and medical supplies, the U.S. CDC also supported the training of staff of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) to improve local capacity in managing the laboratory.

In his remarks, the United States Consul General, Will Stevens stated that the new facility will support Nigeria’s disease control efforts through the cataloguing and storing of blood samples for future use, such as testing to improve the detection and surveillance of new, emerging, and re-emerging diseases.


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He expressed optimism that the upgraded biorepository laboratory will support Nigeria’s readiness for future epidemic and pandemic responses.   “Today’s commissioning is a major accomplishment of the strategic partnership between the United States and Nigeria to support health security and respond to disease threats,” Consul General Stevens said.

Consul General Stevens highlighted the U.S-Nigeria longstanding partnership with Nigerian health institutions to implement key public health programmes, evaluate disease surveillance and response efforts, and contribute to reinforcing the existing public health infrastructure.

“Since 2004, the United States and Nigeria have partnered to improve laboratory networks, systems, and services. These collaborations have consistently yielded results as the nation’s laboratory capacity continues to grow in quantity and quality,” he added.

The biorepository laboratory project was implemented in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria Centre for Disease Control and the Institute of Human Virology Nigeria.

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