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Home NEWS Community accuses lady of killing husband with sex overdose

Community accuses lady of killing husband with sex overdose


Sex overdose has been blamed for the death of a man in Aguleri. A mob attempted to lynch the deceased’s wife over the sex overdose

A man died in Aguleri, a community in Anambra State. The wife of the deceased was accused of causing her husband’s death with ‘sex overdose. 

According to the Daily Trust, the youths in the community banded themselves into a mob and attempted to lynch the helpless lady. 


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Luckily, the lady escaped the jungle justice as police operatives came to her rescue.

The operatives were from the Anambra  State Police Command.

However, before her rescue, she was stripped by the mob when they learnt that she allegedly forced the husband to have multiple sexual rounds with her, which resulted in his death.

Her offence, therefore, was causing the death of her husband with sex overdose. 

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The incident came to public glare after a trending video surfaced online where the lady was being accused of causing the death of her husband by ‘giving him an overdose sex’.

Commenting on the incident, the State Police Command spokesman, DSP Tochukwu Ikenga, confirmed the incident. He further said that a suspect was arrested in relation to the inhuman treatment of the woman.

According to him, the command is studying the video with the aim of identifying more suspects and bringing them to justice.

He said, “The Anambra State Police Operatives on Friday 12/3/2022 at about 12:07 pm, rescued a female victim from an angry mob in Aguleri.

“The rescue was as a result of a report from a trending video where a lady was publicly molested and assaulted on an alleged incident of causing the death of her late husband.”

The Commissioner of Police, CP Echeng Echeng, while describing the act as barbaric, stated that one suspect had been taken into police custody and ordered an immediate study of the video with the aim to identify the suspects, arrest and bring them to book.

“The victim was rescued and she is currently receiving medical care in the hospital,” he said.

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