Sunday, June 9, 2024
Home BUSINESS Ghana receives first COVID-19 vaccines donated by MTN

Ghana receives first COVID-19 vaccines donated by MTN


By Valentine Amanze, Online Editor

 Ghana has received the first 165,000 of up to 7 million coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine doses donated by the South African telecoms company, MTN Group.

The telecom firm disclosed this on Tuesday, stressing that other African countries would receive theirs soon.

It is donating $25 million to support the African Union’s vaccination programme. The vaccines are intended to be distributed to health workers across the AU’s 55 member-states.

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The first doses, of AstraZeneca’s vaccine, arrived in Ghana on Sunday, MTN confirmed in a statement.

 The initial contribution offered “some very welcome relief”, it quoted Ghana’s Health Minister Kwaku Agyeman-Manu as saying.

African countries have only begun vaccinating their citizens in recent weeks after richer countries secured early supplies.

The continent is relying primarily on free doses from the global COVAX vaccine-sharing facility, which aims to inoculate 20% of the population by the end of the year.

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