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Home OPINION Encounter Government should create enabling environment for youths, by Okeke

Government should create enabling environment for youths, by Okeke


UGOCHUKWU OKEKE, facilitator of Team Goodluck Nigeria, in this interview with Special Correspondent, IDU JUDE, talks on the support of his group for President Goodluck Jonathan’s re-election as well as the need for enabling environment for the youth in the country


Clout in Anambra politics

Ugochukwu Okeke

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We remain resolute and committed in doing our best to bring about the desired change in the society. I have been committed to the cause of human capacity development and several philanthropic programmes. Supporting and engaging in real time development will remain my top priority, whether in the government circle or anywhere.
Anambra needs to be transformed. We must start from our communities to the local government areas, political zones and the state in general.
I believe that it is time for youths to take over. Anambra has population, land mass, needed resources (both human and natural) and so on. We all need to come together and build Anambra of our dream. And the only way to do it is through dialogue, which is contributing ideas, vast knowledge and material resources from everyone, no matter how big or small.

Taking Anambra to the next level
The present leadership needs to concentrate on the area of security. There is no investment that thrives without adequate security in place. If the state can guarantee maximum security, investors will be willing to come and invest.
The former governor did his best, and I understand that the current governor is beginning to take steps in that regard. Once security is in place, you think of economic development. The three senatorial zones in state have their areas of strength. Anambra North, for instance, boasts of agricultural produce because of the nature of its fertile land and agrarian population. Anambra South is more into entrepreneurial or business activities. Anambra Central is more in industrial development. In Anambra North, we have the biggest rice mill in Nigeria known as Omor Rice Mill. That rice mill needs to be resuscitated for economic gain and other attendant benefits.
Anambra remains the hub of agriculture in the South East. So, efforts must be put in place to harness the potential in this regard. We can devote time and money, partner with other countries, to achieve more in agriculture. If we can find the right synergy in agriculture, employment rate will greatly increase and youth restiveness will reduce. That will reflect on our economy.
Anambra has the capacity to generate over N5 billion every month, if the right things are done. To achieve economic stability, we must invest massively in agriculture more than we do in oil. People with ideas in this area can be invited to assist.

Enabling environment for the youth
I am not satisfied with what is on ground in terms of employment. Every year, our youth graduate from school without hope of getting employed. I think what should be the duty of government is not giving jobs, because the rate of unemployment has grown so much; what government should concern itself more with is creating enabling environment, a conducive atmosphere, and then allow private investors to thrive. One thing that will help a private entrepreneur to succeed is power. I believe that with the calibre of men and women we have in Anambra, government should be able to build power plants that will guarantee steady power supply to complement what the federal government is doing.

Jonathan administration and South East
I must tell you that I am overwhelmed assessing what the president has been able to do, especially for the South East people. We have benefited much and I want to commend him on what he has done so far. That is why some of us who are in support of what he is doing brought ourselves together to form Team Goodluck Nigeria. We believe that the president has done well by starting the Second Niger Bridge, upgrading of Akanu Ibiam International Airport, which previous governments could not give the entire South East. We are going to ensure that he comes back to complete the project and other ones that are ongoing. His return will ensure continuity with a guarantee that he will continue his development programmes in Anambra, South East and the country at large.
Under his government, the Igbo have enjoyed so many things, including the siting of a dam at Adada in Nkpologu Town Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area of Enugu State, to provide drinking water for the entire Nsukka people. Even in the area where there is insurgency, he has demonstrated commitment in taking development to the people of the area. Despite all his achievements, I believe there is room for improvement. That is why some of us are calling on him to come again to complete his good works.

Team Goodluck Nigeria ideology
We preach sustainable development irrespective of who or where the people are. Team Goodluck Nigeria is in the vanguard of crusading equality and corruption-free society. Team Goodluck Nigeria is saying that those who can fish should be given fishing tools to enable them do it well; those who can farm should be provided with adequate farm implements. Nigerians don’t demand much from their leaders aside the common things that can give them lease of life. Once water, light, security and health facilities are provided, you will enjoy what you do in better way. Team Goodluck Nigeria’s programme is in line with the president’s transformation agenda, which is to empower the youths. Our policy is that the youths should be empowered at their own pace, so that those who are at the local area can enjoy what people in the city enjoy. That would ensure all-inclusive governance and will curb urban migration. We also create awareness for eligible voters to ensure that their votes are not hijacked by unscrupulous elements.

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Privatisation as panacea for epileptic power supply
Privatisation is good, but I am not in support of full privatisation. Partial privatisation, to me, is better because of huge financial involvement, which installing and managing power installations require. I believe that well-to-do individuals and corporate organisations could only partner with government in bringing an end to power problems in the country.

Gains of World Economic Forum
This has opened Nigeria to the entire world, not just Africa. People complained about the need for hosting the world, about waste of resources and insecurity in the nation. But all of them found nothing to complain about shortly after the summit because there were no security embarrassment and Nigeria recorded the highest number of attendance in the history of the forum. The world has now seen the huge economic benefits in the country. Our business men and women, indeed the economy, will grow, if this door that is opened to investors starts yielding fruits. It is not for Jonathan as a person, but for everyone.

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