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Home ENTERTAINMENT Regina Daniels’ husband, Ned Nwoko, gets knocks for allegedly prospecting for seventh...

Regina Daniels’ husband, Ned Nwoko, gets knocks for allegedly prospecting for seventh wife


By Ishaya Ibrahim, News Editor

Ned Nwoko is in the news again for the same old topic that has kept him more famous on the social media – women.

A few months ago, multiple reports linked him with a seventh marriage plan. The bride was said to be Nollywood actress, Chika Ike. She denied the report, but without the social media digging out old pictures of the two having some old connections which only ended in the realm of relationship.

On November 16, Nwoko became a hot topic on the social media for allegedly prospecting a seventh wife barely a year after he married 19-year old Regina Daniels.

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Many are inclined to believe that a seventh wife for Nwoko is not an impossibility. He has said that as a Muslim, he could marry any number of wives he chose. But Islam limits the number of wife a man can have to four at a time.

Nwoko’s first wife is a Moroccan with other nationalities in the mix. The alleged prospective seventh wife is said to be a Briton.

Nwoko was not so much of a social media celebrity until he married his teenage sensation, Regina Daniels. The marriage brought him criticism given that he was 40-years older than her. But Regina Daniels said she could not have fared better under a younger man because of her hot head. That she needed a man of Nwoko’s age to keep her in check. Others said his money was perhaps the attraction.

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