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Home EDO DECIDES 2020 Like US, UK imposes Visa ban on Edo, Ondo election offenders

Like US, UK imposes Visa ban on Edo, Ondo election offenders


By Ishaya Ibrahim, News Editor

The United Kingdom (UK) has announced a number of sanctions on anyone found causing or aiding electoral troubles during the September 19 Edo and October 10 Ondo elections.  

According to a statement by the British High Commissioner in Nigeria, Catriona Laing, the offenders would suffer visa ban, seizure of UK-based assets and prosecution.  

The High Commissioner added that its eyes would be on the two states through its observer missions and other civil society organisations.

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Earlier today, former aide on social media to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan, Reno Omokri, had appealed to the UK and the European Union to also join the US in imposing visa ban on politicians who masterminded violence and rigging on the 2019 general elections, including those of Kogi and Bayelsa states.

But the statement by the British High Commissioner in Nigeria suggested that the 2019 election offenders have visa restriction placed on them.

“The UK takes a strong stand against election-related violence and just as we did in the general election in 2019, we will continue to take action against individuals we identify as being responsible for violence during elections.

“This could include restrictions on their eligibility to travel to the UK, restrictions on access to UK-based assets or prosecution under international law,” the statement reads.

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