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Home HEADLINES Senate president mourns ex-Adamawa Senator, Paul Wampana

Senate president mourns ex-Adamawa Senator, Paul Wampana


President of the Senate, Ahmad Lawan, has commiserated with the family of the Second Republic Senator, Paul Wampana, who on Sunday passed on.

Lawan also condoled with the government and people of Adamawa State, friends and political associates of the late senator over the loss.

The Senate President said that Senator Wampana had contriubuted immensely to the political development of Nigeria both at the state and at the national levels.

   Lawan specifically noted Wampana’s active involvement in politics as a Speaker of the defunct Gongola State House of Assembly, a Senator representing Adamawa North Senatorial District and later as a Minister of State for Public Health during the Second Republic.

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The Senate President said Nigeria will, no doubt, miss the wealth of experience which the senator acquired over the time.

Lawan prayed for the repose of Senator Wampana’s soul and for the Almighty God to grant those that he left behind the fortitude to bear the loss.

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