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Home NEWS UN plans to prevent violent extremism - Ban

UN plans to prevent violent extremism – Ban


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon says the world body is developing a plan of action on preventing violent extremism to launched in September.



Mr. Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary-General.
Mr. Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary-General.

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Ban made this known at the Security Council Open Debate on Victims of Attacks and Abuses on Ethnic or Religious Grounds in the Middle East in New York on Friday.



“We are also strengthening our efforts to champion and protect diversity in the Middle East.


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“I intend to convene a group of respected women and men with deep understanding of the region’s religious, civil, cultural, academic and business sectors.



“They would serve as an advisory panel on inter-and intra-sectarian dynamics.



“Governments and parties have the primary responsibility for protecting minorities, but we must engage with partners in civil society, faith leaders and others with influence, including regional and other actors.’’



Ban called on religious and community leaders to clearly remind their followers that religions are about peace, not violence and war.



The atrocities and crimes in the Middle East region, Ban said, demanded an urgent response.



“We must end impunity for those committing serious crimes against any and all humanities.



“Abuses in counter-terrorism are morally wrong and strategically counter-productive’’, he said.



The commission of atrocities, he said, never absolves governments of their responsibility to honour human rights obligations.



He said Member States must also remember that violent extremism in Iraq precedes Daesh’s advance.



The underlying conditions, he added, must be addressed.



Ban welcomed steps by the Iraqi Government to further national reconciliation, promote inclusion, strengthen social cohesion, and reform the security sector.



He called on the Government to do more to uphold human rights and restore the rule of law in areas liberated from Daesh.



He said the international community must help Iraq in this effort.



Five years into the conflict in Syria, Ban said the lack of accountability has led to an exponential rise in war crimes, crimes against humanity and other human rights violations.



He said that Government forces and non-State armed groups in Syria, especially Daesh and Jabhat al Nusra, have committed such deplorable acts against humanity.



“As we consider the plight of minority communities, we must avoid highlighting differences and reaffirm the values of diversity and peaceful co-existence.


“I urge the international community, particularly the Security Council, to overcome differences and seek new ways to ensure the protection of all Syrian civilians.



“In a few days, I will travel to Kuwait to attend an international pledging conference for Syria.



“I call on all countries to give generously to help the millions of Syrians who are suffering and to assist the neighbouring countries which shoulder most of the burden.’’

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