A vote for American ingenuity, not American inferiority

I have been saying that the natives here are very brilliant, but also dumb (dum dum). Jonathan Gruber, an M.I.T Economics professor in some ways proves my point. Videos have emerged in which he claimed that the masterminds behind Obamacare relied on “voter stupidity” and the lack of transparency on the part of the Obama Whitehouse to pass the Affordable healthcare Act (AHA), otherwise known as Obamacare. Who knew? Of course the smart half of the natives did and they tried their hardest to convince the not-so-smart other half that Obamacare would in the long run be bad for America.


The not-so-smart half are too distracted by the cares of the world to know or care that Gruber called them stupid. Whatever.


Of course some people are benefiting from Obamacare, but others, many of them not much better off than the beneficiaries, are suffering more since the passage of the bill. My current health struggles have made me more grateful than ever before for the kindness of the American people who carry more than their fair share of the health care burden. The questions remain: Who pays for all the free or subsidised health care? What is fair? Are there more cost-effective alternatives?


I tried hard to pay my medical expenses out of pocket by going to an out-patient clinic and refusing to go to a hospital. If my friends had not dragged me into a full-service hospital that treats patients regardless of financial status I would probably be dead by now —- and buried with my moral superiority. “You are going to go where the rest of us poor folks go,” insisted the mechanic, Abbie, who first alerted my family and friends about my deteriorating condition. He was the one driving me to the high-end clinic in the city —- in good and bad weather —- until he had had enough of my foolishness.


There are many reasons not to demonise those who object to Obamacare or those who support it. What really upsets me is what has been dubbed the “pious preening” of the Democrats who are good at spending OPM (Other people’s Money) but are stingy when it comes to spending theirs. You would think that since they care so much about the poor they would be concerned about eliminating waste and corruption from the system so many more people could benefit from it, but the disastrous rollout of Obamacare and the continuing security concerns about it’s website show that they care more about being seen to be concerned about the poor.


I also get upset by the lack of gratitude on the part of many beneficiaries of free or subsidised benefits. They keep demanding for more and accusing those who object to their demands as “racists,” “evil,” “hateful.”


Since this is the season for giving thanks (Thanksgiving Holiday was last Thursday), I decided to show a little gratitude to the nursing staff at the Infusion Centre where I get chemotherapy twice weekly ( two weeks on and one week off). I got a nice Thank You card and the volunteers helped me pass it around so the other chemo patients could sign it. Talk of good timing, the director of the centre just happened to have dropped into the centre that day and the volunteers presented the card to her. She made a copy of what was written inside the card and came over and thanked me profusely for being so thoughtful. She said she would frame it. I got misty-eyed as I told her that I used to arrive in a wheelchair and in so much pain that I could not transfer into the plush chemo reclining chairs at the centre. Yet the staff did not write me off. They just about broke into a cheer the first time I walked in on my two legs. I told the director that I rejected chemo when I was first diagnosed (with Multiple Myeloma), but now look forward to going to the chemo centre, because the attitude of the nurses is so uplifting. In the card, I thanked the nurses for infusing love and hope into me.


Back to Gruber and his comments. I used to be so dazzled by the sheer brilliance of M.I.T professors. As a journalism fellow at M.I.T I had many opportunities to listen to their best and brightest. I later came to realise that “not all that glitters is gold.” Gruber proves this. The stupidity mantel hangs over him too. He calls the voters stupid, but forgot that he cannot fool all of the people all of the time. The non-stupid voters made their voices heard in the last midterm elections and hopefully they will continue to expose the stupidity of brilliant professors like Gruber who now dominate American universities.


It is the liberal professors like Gruber who are dumbing down America — a nation that was built on ingenuity. The radical Left-Liberals are turning Yankee ingenuity into Yankee inferiority. They are trying to strip America of the things that made it the pride of the world —- the shining city upon a hill that beacons to peoples all over the world.


I hope the moral and non-stupid majority rise up again in 2016 and vote in a president who will lead America out of the “stupid” detour the Radical Leftists drove her into. For now, Professor Ben Carson is my choice. I like his ideas about affordable health care.

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