Divine fruitfulness

Rev. Marvelous Kalu

“And God blessed them and said unto them: be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth” (Gen. 1:28)


The word “fruitfulness” in a common and realistic sense, means producing good result in a given context or endeavour of life. When a scheme, project or an investment is beneficial to the system, such a scheme or project, as the case may be, is believed to be fruitful. When related to natural plant, it has to do with yielding of crops or bearing of fruits.


Beyond its botanical connotation, fruitfulness is a phenomenon of life that defines a measure of success and growth over and against impending limitations. It is the end product of human activity in a positive dimension.


God expects us to bear fruits that are beneficial to humanity through ingenuity and creativity which are supernaturally endowed upon humankind. In this regard, our ability to bring forth fruit is wholly and subjectively dependent upon our abidance (abiding) in the supernatural source – The Triune God. Jesus clearly expressed this in His teaching of the Vine and the Branches: “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can you, except you abide in me… For apart from me, you can do nothing” John 15: 4-5


In this way, the Holy Spirit helps us to bear fruit of various virtues of life such as joy, love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control (Gal. 5:22).


In a clear context of Genesis 1:28, God in His gracious act places us under His divine benediction to flourish and to fill the earth with our kind. This supernatural benediction of God supersedes every satanic and human spell that may have been projected into the reproductive organ of any man or woman.


As long as God lives, no daughter or son of God is fruitfully impoverished. This is basically because the activeness of His work in creation as expressed in Genesis chapter one is beyond human manipulation. It further shows that procreation is a dominant feature of God’s creative agenda. This is because it is impossible for any woman or man not to give birth to his kind.


No matter how long your case has lasted, God still echoes the same irresistible expression, “Be fruitful and multiply”. The resolute nature of this command underscores the reason God further emphasised that “no barren shall be found in the land” (Exodus 23:26).


As you read between the lines of this scripture, align your faith with the Spirit of His declaration. In creative realm, it is the Spirit of human procreation and reproduction. The good news here is that, God in His infinite wisdom decided to consecrate and bless human nature, so that it can bear fruit.


In a progressive sense, multiplying and filling the earth goes beyond the multiplication of humankind through a biological system, to a human expression and exercise of God’s authority over other creatures. In this arrangement, God mortgaged the earth and its treasure to humankind, as represented by seed-bearing plant, aquatic lives and aerial creatures.


The command of God is that man should be increasingly fruitful and to take charge over other creatures. As God’s representatives in the creatively realm, we are as well stewards. Consequently, God expects that we do not exploit, waste or despoil what he created, but to care for them and use them in the service of His kingdom.


Therefore, our ability to be fruitful in our work depends largely too on our prudence and managerial skills. No person is fruitful when he is wasteful.


We must again note that fruitfulness expressed in multiplication demands a corresponding accountability by way of resourceful engagement of our blessing in the service of God.


Child of God, having been exposed to this revelation on fruitfulness, I make bold by the Holy Spirit to declare to you that the Lord will surely bless you in blessing, and multiply you in multiplication.


The Almighty God will re-activate the dead tissues of your reproductive system and they will bear fruit. Your system cannot resist bearing fruit. Whatever that does not bear fruit in your life is cursed and shall be pruned out in Jesus name, Amen. Your business, jobs, careers, family and others must bear fruit this season.


In all of the above, it makes more sense for one to understand that, in God’s divine scheme, fruitfulness practically hinges on His grace and our ability to disengage our hearts from wicked counsels and sinfulness.


As a clear antidote to the above, which guarantees fruitfulness, we must faithfully delight ourselves in the supreme ordinance (law) of the Lord and meditate on it day and night. Such a fellow is like a tree planted by the streams of water, that bears its fruit in its season, whose leaves neither shrink nor wither. Whatever he does prospers (Psalm 1:1-3). Wholly, our divine fruitfulness preceded all human factors. It is rather God’s mandate for us to bear fruit, and the time is now.

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