Financial slavery

Quickest route to promotion is problem-solving

Christianity is not synonymous with poverty as many employ today. There is this mind-set that you can only be a true Christian if you are poor. No, I take exception to that because the bible says in 3 John verses 3: “Beloved, I wish above all thing that thou mayest prosper and be in good health.” And Deuteronomy 8:18 says it is God that gives power to make wealth.


But the big question is, why are so many people enslaved by money – either by not having it or having it and being controlled by it?


Beloved, true riches comes only from God. He says in his word: “The blessings of God make rich and add no sorrow.” The bible says money answers all things, which literally means that there is virtually nothing a man can achieve in this world without money.


I will look at this financial slavery from two points of view.
(a) Poverty syndrome or mentality
(b) The power of money


Poverty syndrome
Poverty, to many, is the absence of money to be used for the necessities of life or what I call life essentials. And for ages, many people have carried the mind-set and transfer it to one generation to another, which, no doubt, any of us has inherited.
We have so much programmed our mind that we cannot be rich or that the way to real wealth is hard and are meant for few people. This is a wrong view and very demonic in nature. Accepting this fact can enslave you to poverty through your lifetime, as it has done to many people.



We need to transform our thought and change the way we think, so that true riches can be our portion. Hence poverty is not the absence of money, but the belief of many that it is meant to be.


Changing your thought and telling yourself that you can make it in life, and be rich like any other person who has made it, is our solution of getting out of poverty. Remember, the scripture says “as a man thinketh in his hearth, so is he”.


Change your perception about life and the way you think. Be positive in your heart and nature, and you will make it in Jesus name.


What then is the way out of poverty?
I will suggest three ways you can get out of poverty.
(1) Define your purpose
The quickest route to promotion is problem-solving. This also holds with respect to finances. You do not get something for nothing. Money is only a means of exchange. It flows to us in proportion to the value we give in solving problems for others.


You have been designed to solve a particular problem in this world. You must identify that area of need and define your purpose. Your purpose in life is not what you decide. It is too late to decide it now. It was decided by God before you were born.


Therefore, it is not what you decide; it is what you discover by asking God. Jesus said: “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Ask God to show you where your treasure is in life, so you can put your heart there. Then do an appraisal of your gifts and talents.


You see, you are already designed to do some things better than other people. There are things you do at ease and you enjoy doing them. God has designed you to make money while doing what you enjoy doing.


2 Define your values
It is important that you list, also, your values – the things that are important to you as a person. Values include family, success, love, independence, fun, adventure, creativity, financial independence, beauty, relationships, information, innovation, justice as so on. You should list four to five values that are of priority to you. Then list activities around each one that can generate money. You will see clearly how to make money while you do what you enjoy doing. You may even realise that you have to make a major career change this year. What you study in school doesn’t matter, what matters is what you have strong passion for.

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