Dealing with marital frustrations 

Tinu Agbabiaka

A few years ago, a well-known and liked football coach in the United Kingdom committed suicide. It was a huge shock to the football community. He was believed to have a very successful career and a happy marriage. He seemed and appeared to all to have a great life, but still he killed himself! All his loved ones were devastated. It came totally as a shock. Even the wife claimed to be in total shock.


Truth is, this guy was frustrated with something/someone and decided to end it all; but he fooled everyone or did he?


I can recall telling my husband as we listened to the news that this is so with so many people, marriages. They appear wonderful outside, but the inside is messed up.


Frustration is simply the inability of getting the desired result commensurate with the energy used; when your actions are producing less result than you expected. It may also occur when your expectations in life are not met as at the time you want them to.


Everyone goes through frustration at one point or another in life. We need to learn how to manage it when we are frustrated.


Frustrations arise from different angles, so do not presume you are the cause. It could be frustration at work, with finances, sex, life or even with God!


A lot of us are still waiting on God for one thing or another and many times we get frustrated because our timelines are not at par with God’s.


The strain to keep up false appearances makes the situation worse, as there is pressure from family, friends, co-workers, brethren in church probably because of the position(s) the individual holds in such places.


While there may not be a lot of frustrated people who actually go ahead and take their lives, a lot end up emotionally damaged and/or in psychiatric homes. Others manifest by having extra-marital affairs, separate and/or divorce. These should be unheard of in the Christian fold.


If you are frustrated:
Talk to someone – someone who will listen without interruption and offer some form of support. Truth is, it may not be your spouse. If your spouse is the reason for your frustration, it goes without saying that speaking to him or her could be a big waste of time and worsen the situation.


Exercise: Channel the frustration into a sport. You may jog or engage in a sport where you can channel your energy. It is best directed at something, so that it does not cause you or your loved ones harm.


Take a break from what is causing your frustration. Do not focus on it. Think of something else. It will give you a chance to view it from another perspective. You never can tell. The reasons may not be so important after all.


Go to God: The word of God tells us to look unto God, the Author and Finisher of our faith (Heb. 12:2). God does what man cannot do. Whatever you are going through, God knows anyway, so why not ask him to help? Whatever is bigger than us is certainly not bigger than God.


Let us remember that a problem shared is a problem halved. We must not allow our frustrations to stop us from living our lives to the full capacity God has called us to. Whenever I get frustrated (which is often by the way), I tell my husband and we both go to God on the issue(s). I have learnt to cast my burdens unto Jesus, so that He can help me. He will help you too!


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