Wizkid’s baby mama, Shola Ogudu, backs Chrisland in sex tape scandal

Shola Ogudu said the incident was brought to her attention by her kid and advised parents to pay close attention to their kids and what they are exposed to

By Kehinde Okeowo

Wizkid’s baby mama, Shola Ogudu has revealed that Chrisland school is not to be blamed for the leaked sex video involving a 10-year-old student of the school and her classmates.

TheNiche earlier reported that the Lagos State Government on Monday shut down the school after footage of a young female student allegedly raped by other students while on a trip in Dubai emerged.

The video of the alleged rape thereafter leaked and trended on social media, but the mother of the girl involved insisted her daughter was drugged and raped while the school attempted to cover it up. 

Reacting to the development,  Shola Ogudu on her Instagram page said that the 10-year-old belonged to a clique known for engaging in nasty activities.

The mum of one went on to say that her son Tife brought the video to her attention and when the girl alleged to be 10-years-old was accosted, she was not remorseful.

ALSO READ: Mother of 10-yr old Chrisland pupil says her daughter was drugged by her mates

Shola also said that the incident should not be seen as an act of negligence by the school because their teachers worked hard to take care of the students who were on different floors while in Dubai.

She added that the students waited until midnight to do the ‘nasty act and the word RAPE’ is being used loosely without considering how much damage it can cause.

She advised parents to ensure they pay close attention to their kids and what they are exposed to.

She wrote, ” I accompanied my son to represent his school at the just concluded WSG and I can say for a fact that the 10 yr old in question was DEFINITELY not raped. I remember vividly the ‘SHOCK’ in my son’s face when he was telling me about a video some other kid was watching, he said Mum, I couldn’t stand the video I had to excuse myself, he said the gist circulating was that the girl and her click played a game of truth or dare, of which this particular girl couldn’t stop with the mind bugging’DARES’ I couldn’t believe my ears when I learned about the nasty activities these lil kids get themselves involved in.

“Seeing this post now and the twist of it all. I just couldn’t take it ( cos I know for a fact how very very strict the teachers were on this trip) blaming such immorality and negligence on the school is unfair because it DEFINITELY WASN’T RLNE!!

“The students were in a hotel where other schools also stayed and they made sure the boys’ room was on the 10th floor and the girls’ room 2nd floor.

“The teachers did their parade 3-5 times daily making sure they were all in their rooms. There were over 70kids to 5-6 teachers (these teachers went through hell trying to get them together) But for you to know how badly behaved these kids were, they waited till after midnight (after the last roll call) to get their nasty acts on.”

Shola ended her post by saying Nigerians can blame the guardians for trying their best and breaking their backs for kids but “CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME.”

Kehinde Okeowo:
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