Why 70,000 Taliban jihadists defeated 350,000 better trained and equipped Afghan Army

Afghan security personnel and Afghan militia fighting against Taliban, stand guard in Enjil district of Herat province on July 30, 2021. (Photo by Hoshang Hashimi / AFP)

By Ishaya Ibrahim 

The Taliban have arrived Kabul, but remained at its fringe, waiting for the American Army to complete its evacuation mission before descending on the country’s capital. 

The VOA reports that Taliban sources told it’s reporters that the Afghan President, Ashraf Ghani, has resigned and a transfer of power  to the Taliban will take place within the week.  He has also fled the country, leaving his countrymen behind.

The world is about to witness the  birth of a puritanical Islamic government with it’s strict application of  Sharia as it’s grundnorm. Sharia prescribes the cutting of hands for thieves  and stonning to death for adultery. Christians and other minority people will be levelled with an unbelievers tax or Jizya under a Sharia state.

How a ragtag jihadists of about 70,000 fighters defeat better trained and equipped Afghan Army of 350,000 men is not difficult to speculate. 

The Taliban fight in the name of Allah, and death in the process is an express ticket to Jannah (heaven). The Afghan Army,  on the contrary, fight for  country and money. 

The VOA says Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said their fighters took control of Bagram Air Base and the prison there and freed its inmates. There were high-profile Taliban prisoners at Bagram, which served as the main base for the U.S.-led foreign military mission in Afghanistan.

The report says the speed of the Taliban offensive has shocked both locals and the international community. While violence in the country has been high since 2020, after the Taliban signed a deal with the United States, the latest campaign against Afghan cities has been unexpectedly fast.

The Taliban gains started with the capital of Nimruzon  province August 6 and nine days later they have surrounded Kabul from all sides


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