Welcome to a new Abia with Dr. Alex Otti

Abia state governor, Dr.. Alex Otti

The truth is that Abia citizens needed a new leader, not a ring leader. Election of Dr. Alex Otti is akin to one being in a hall of mirrors for a long time and then someone comes in and opens the windows for some daylight.

By Nnanna Ijomah

A new era has dawned in Abia with the election of Dr. Alex Otti as the next Governor of the State. Thanks to the Obidient movement and all well-meaning Abians not only for the overwhelming victory they handed the Labour Party, its governorship candidate , National Assembly and State Assembly aspirants, but also for their vigilance and steadfastness in protecting their votes and insisting that the right numbers be recorded at the various polling and collating centers.

Judging from the results announced, a new wind of change has blown all over the South East. The PDP has finally been buried and put to pasture. In Abia State in particular the voters declared with their votes that they were tired of godfatherism, sycophancy, and mediocrity in governance, extreme malfeasance and nepotism.

After rejecting the out-going governor and many of his henchmen in the attempt at higher political office, the voters said no once again to their godson for the governorship position and wannabe Assemblymen.  Throughout the voting exercise the Obi-dients exhibited a high degree of political maturity and sophistication devoid of any acts of thuggery, vandalism and intimidation.

With its rancour free voting exercise except for Obingwa LGA, has emerged Dr. Alex Otti – a man who represents, epitomizes and reflects every admirable and desirable quality the Abia people and indeed the Igbo race would want in their leaders.

As usual and as expected Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu and the PDP tried to re-enact  their rigging practice where else but in Obingwa as they did in 2015 and 2019 respectfully, but this time their efforts were thwarted by  a vigilant, honest, and God fearing Resident Electoral Commissioner, Prof Nnenna Otti (no relation to Dr. Otti) who held firm to her principles and ideals of justice and fairness by refusing to announce the inflated Obingwa results and requesting  the intervention of her superiors in Abuja despite her powers under Section 65 of the Electoral Act to cancel results from polling units or LGA’s in cases of over voting or electoral violence both of which happened in Obingwa.

READ ALSO: Labour Party accuses Uzodimma of sealing Imo Secretariat with Govt House police

It is heartwarming that in a rare act of wisdom  and fairness INEC did the right thing  after reviewing the Obingwa elections and the BVAS and came to the conclusion that there was no way 26,000 or more accredited voters which resulted in the election of two State  Assemblymen could suddenly change to 108,000.  For once the famous saying by ex- Russian Leader Josef Stalin who said and I quote, “it is not the voter that counts but those who count the votes” did not hold true. In this one instance the will of the voters counted and has been made manifest rather than those who tried to count and impose on the people fake numbers.  

As I venture to congratulate Dr. Otti for his well -deserved victory, as well as appreciation of his decision to offer himself once again for the governorship of our state, I am reminded of the words of the late British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, when he said and I quote, “to each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents”.

“What a tragedy”, he further opined, “if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour”. Those words of wisdom it could be said, better epitomize what Dr. Alex Otti did in 2015 and what he did again for the third time, which is to answer a call of duty by a majority of the Abia people to do something unique and fitted to his talents which is to offer a different kind of leadership, governance and expertise such as the Abia people have never known or experienced.

Some had wondered aloud why he was willing to once again subject himself to the rigours and vagaries of Abia politics, to which I may respond with these words by the English philosopher, John Stuart Mills, when he said, “A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal welfare, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself’. 

Dr. Alex Otti was in this fight for the delivery and reclamation of Abia State because he believed in the words of the same aforementioned philosopher that, “as long as justice and injustice have not terminated their ever renewing fight for ascendancy in the affairs of mankind, human beings must be willing when need be to do battle for one against the other”.

The Abia people deserve fairness, justice and good governance and that’s exactly what Dr. Otti offers them as he begins his administration, come May 29. Unlike the outgoing Governor, Dr. Otti believes as in the words of Winston Churchill that, “those who seek to serve supreme causes must not consider what they can get but what they can give”.

Dr. Alex Otti most definitely did not do this for money, glory or power other than the chance to serve and do good. Nothing will please him more or offer him the most satisfaction than to leave behind as Governor a legacy of accomplishments for posterity to remember him by.

There is no doubt Dr. Alex Otti has so much to offer the Abia people as their Governor in the next four years. Most relevant is his wealth of financial management experience, acquired over his many years in the banking industry, not to mention his vow to make financial probity and propriety a code of conduct and endeavour in his administration.

If there is one thing the Abia people should be confident of, it is that a Governor Alex Otti will not be coming to the Umuahia Government House to dish out ‘Blood tonic to the many Abia blood sucking vampire stakeholders who have over the years quenched their taste from the financial spigots of the Abia treasury.

He will offer a different kind of leadership, one versed in the fine arts of governance and expertise than that by the clueless and visionless bunch soon to be walking out of the Umuahia Government house. His, will not be a government of billboards, mindless propaganda, debt accumulation, thievery, shameless nepotism and unfulfilled promises as was the case with his predecessor, Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu.

The fact remains that the big things Abia citizens need from their Governor were not addressed during the past 24 years of PDP rule and political dominance. They want good and durable roads, schools that are well funded, healthcare that is available, affordable and accessible. They demand well-funded infrastructural projects that will help create jobs for the youths as well as boost the economy. Fiscal policies that will help make the state’s economy work for all, not excluding letting current and retired civil servants live out their lives in comfort and dignity.

The truth is that Abia citizens needed a new leader, not a ring leader. His election as Governor, is akin to one being in a hall of mirrors for a long time and then someone comes in and opens the windows for some daylight.

Regarding his personal qualities, what more can I say? The man exudes confidence, simplicity and a humble demeanor at all times. He may be low key, understated, a mild-mannered technocrat etc., but as those who know him will attest to, no one should be misled about the strength of his spine. As we watched him speak during his just concluded Acceptance Speech, he exuded gratitude, compassion and confidence while offering a vision of a post Ikpeazu administration under him.

He treats his audience as many saw during his campaign rallies not long ago as too savvy for lies and political clichés. For those of us who have had the opportunity to speak and exchange ideas with him, “he listens”. He has what Christians here in the United States call, “a servant-leader approach to politics”. He remains a technocrat per excellence and a charismatic figure as he was during his campaigns. His cool tempered elegance and political savvy which was evident everywhere he went is what still makes him the beloved figure he is today. He is a man who sees himself as a servant of the people, who to him are his employers.

Abia State during the last eight years in my opinion was like a critically ill patient being taken care of by a doctor who had no idea what he was doing except to continuously check the pulse to make sure the patient was still alive. Abia was that sick patient and despite the poor medical care, bad medications etc., we have suffered though still in bad shape hence it was time for the Abia people to seek a second opinion or ask for a referral. Alex Otti now offers that second and sure chance of a quick recovery.

On March 18, the Abia people harkened to the clarion call to free themselves from the criminal and corrupt clutches of the PDP. As active campaign began Abia voters began reflecting on themselves, their politics, increase the scope of their perception and begin to direct their observations and understanding towards previously inconspicuous political phenomena.

As in the words of Bob Marley, they emancipated themselves from decades of political and economic slavery. They stopped playing the victim, feeling helpless or mentally enslaved hence they seized the opportunity of the election to bring about the change they needed by voting for politicians who will meet their needs as well as fulfill their promises.

Democracy as we know it is not a free ride or a spectator sport hence everyone must get involved and not be indifferent and the Abia people did. I will end this essay with a congratulatory message to the Obi-dients and the generality of Abia voters.

Congratulations again to Dr. Alex Chioma Otti for you are the “MAN OF THE HOUR” and the “DELIVERER” Abia citizens have been expecting and praying for. The task ahead is not going to be easy neither will it be one for the faint of heart. However, we have confidence in your abilities.

As the saying goes, “To whom much is given, much more is expected.” The Abia people and all those who worked so hard for your victory expect so much from you, but here again I will caution patience and perseverance.

So much damage has been done in the state in the past 24 years by the PDP, so much so that the change we desire will not materialize overnight. In Governor Alex Otti, we have a leader imbued with intellect, capacity and enormous abilities to meet our expectations.  

For me personally over the past eight years, it has been a labour of love and commitment to an ideal, faith and respect for a man and candidate I believed in and had the most faith in his abilities. Thank God it has finally ended in praise.

  • Nnanna Ijomah is a member of Dr. Alex Otti Campaign Media Team.
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