Voting impasse at the conference

The position must be in favour of accepting two-thirds as the needed majority needed to pass motions at the national conference. Such a cogitation of diverse views will ensure acceptability. It will also dovetail with the aspirations of the majority. Insisting on 75 per cent will reduce the assembly to a mere talk shop. It will also induce an anti- democratic tyranny of the minority. In effect, 26 per cent of those sitting can block and prevent change.

In a multi- ethnic, multi -religious society and a diverse polity there is no way a 75 per cent consensus can be achieved. Those agitating for 75 per cent know this and they should knock it off. Indeed, the main argument against a simple majority option is that it will encourage frivolous positions. Two-thirds is cogent and reasonable. Those who, like the Lamido of Adamawa, Aliyu Mustapha, are threatening fire and brimstone should be encouraged to set up their talk shop elsewhere. We have wasted too much time on this diversion and it is time to get down to the real business of the conference. The public for one is already fed up with constant adjournments. THEY WANT THE REAL ISSUES TO BE DEBATED.

Therefore let us get on with it.

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