Using the Law of Attraction juciously

Tinu Agbabiaka

Law of attraction says “you attract into your life whatever it is that naturally interest you”. Things you pay attention to, drive your energy towards, and focus on are those things you naturally attract to your life. We all have a natural vibe going on for us. This could be positive or negative vibes, and these are the things that we naturally respond to. These vibes create for us a similar kind of response in return. For example; if you are always happy or making yourself happy regardless of the situation, you will find out that you naturally put your attention and energy on things that will make you happy. You will stay in such an environment too. Thus, giving you the opportunity to come in contact with things or people of like minds.


Knowing what law of attraction is and how it works, you should be able to create an energetic environment that attracts exactly the type of person(s) you want. “Like attracts like.” This is one of the universal laws that do not change. It is not partial, neither does it play favourites. You simply attract the right person by projecting the kind of energy the other person has, because your life mirrors what exactly is inside of you.


You might be curious about what it is that you are giving attention to in any area of your life. In this kind of situation, what you need do is to simply take a look at that area (example, your relationships) and see what you are getting, since what you get is what you pay attention to.


As you notice and pay attention to the negative people in your life and the things that irritate you about them, you will see the Law of Attraction unfold to bring you more of the same. If you want to stop getting this kind of people, you will need to shift your focus and attention to what you do want; pay attention to the positive people in your life, and then you’ll change the results accordingly. So this means, pay attention to people that say “not all men are dogs” and ignore those that constantly remind you that “all men are the same, so why try”.


So, how do you really attract an ideal relationship using the Law of Attraction? Start by raising your vibe. What this means is that, if you are always depressed, frustrated and angry most of the time, it is time to change this. You need to develop a positive vibe, such as staying happy, walking away from things that will easily upset you, being optimistic. Ask yourself, “What do I really want?” When you catch yourself thinking or saying what you don’t want, in that very moment, state what you do want. The words and the vibration will change. Remember, you can only hold one vibration at a time; so make it a good one!


You need to remain happy. Many people attach their happiness to things they hope to see happen in the near future. Things like becoming the CEO of a company, getting that dream house, hitting that jackpot, while forgetting that these things are not necessarily what brings happiness. Rather, these things only contribute to your life experiences; they are not the main source of your happiness. So stop dreaming, start living, and be happy; so that the energy you project attracts happy people into your life.


Have a passion. A person with passion is the person with a purpose. This purposeful mindset creates so much enthusiasm and energy in you. You become fully alive doing what you love. Other people around you catch this vibe, thus attracting you to people with like passions. These people will be attracted to your strong life force.


Be interested in other people. This is better said than done, as we all love to be the centre of attention most of the times. It is advisable to become good at being fascinated by other people, because if you are not, they will easily pick on your it-is-all-about-me attitude (this kind of attitude is very off-putting). If you have ever been on a date with a person who only talks about themselves and shows zero interest in you, then you know what this feels like. That means the date is over! You need to cultivate an interest in people by being fascinated by the differences and similarities between human beings.


Last, don’t forget to love yourself. Treasure your weird little habits. Cherish your talents and gifts. See your beauty and handsomeness. Feel your worthiness, and one-ness with all.

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