Umeh remains focused

At this critical moment of our political journey, we would have preferred to remain focused on our agenda for the good people of Anambra Central in particular, and the generality of Ndi Anambra. However, there are times you are convinced that deliberate attempts are being made to distort the torrent of Victor Umeh’s political journey in Anambra State.



Umeh, the out-going national chairman of All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), is the frontline contender for the senatorial seat in Anambra Central. His acceptance by the good people of his senatorial zone is so glaring for the people to see, particularly people who have their eyes on the truth and what they see on the ground.


We were, therefore, taken aback by the write-up in Daily Sun of Friday, February 20, 2015, by one Ray Ifeme, titled ‘Uche Ekwunife: The mobiliser on the move”. We couldn’t have been bothered or attracted to the article, if Umeh’s name was not dragged into the article, in a bid to drag us unnecessarily into their level of politicking.


Ifeme, until now, an obscure character not known anywhere in his small village, obviously seemed to have tried to pay back a debt he owed Ekwunife. In the article, this man subtly abused Umeh, saying things that are obviously the figments of his imagination.


We have no intentions, whatsoever, to diminish the electoral qualities of any contestant in the election, but it is instructive that Ifeme singled out Umeh for his abusive tirades, among some other contestant(s). The intention of any candidate in any electoral process is to win, but what we shall not condone is the deliberate distortion of facts, all in a bid to score cheap political points, even as we know that certain actions and reactions are obvious fears exhibited by losers.


We also cannot begin to join issues with Ifeme who seemed more of a contracted villain than a purposeful writer or political analyst. He sounded more like an unconvinced apostle who was merely trying to impress his paymaster. We find it very difficult to descend to the level of this man, as we are in a sane society, otherwise, we can find appropriate words to describe his paymaster.


He should have also known that while in a glass house with his paymaster, the latter wouldn’t have wished him to throw stones on her behalf. Elections are not won on the pages of newspapers, but at the polls. The game will be over after March 28, 2015, not before then, nor as early as Ifeme has announced.


Reading through his article, and in-between the lines, it was an obvious face-saving venture; he was in a hurry to pay back a favour done him and lost it all, throwing caution over-board, not out of personal conviction or belief. Otherwise, he cannot be more Catholic than the Pope.


The battle ahead for Ndigbo a buro egwu a ma akwa a gba. (A dance where one participates in by wearing a wrapper). We cannot be distracted or provoked into joining issues with anybody, particularly in the face of very provocative actions by our opponents against us. Our billboards have been destroyed; we have been physically attacked and our vehicles destroyed by people who, otherwise, could have been described as decent people. We were attacked in Agulu, Peter Obi’s hometown; and in Nri, Uche Ekwunife’s hometown. The attack on us at Agulu was anticipated, as such a crowd waiting to welcome Governor Willie Obiano and Umeh is unprecedented in the political history of Anambra State. The call in Agulu was for Umeh to take over the reins of representation at the Senate for the good people of Anambra Central. The youths of the area were in their large numbers, rooting for Umeh, so were the men and women who came out in very large numbers to show their support.


This was, perhaps, so much humiliation for people who felt that they were popular among their people and could therefore not bear the shame of the turn of events. Brothers were used against brothers, all in a bid to plan that failed attack. Failed in the sense that the message has already been sent across that Umeh is the man to beat in Anambra Central.


At Nri, it was a minor skirmish that was quickly brought under control, before the arrival of Umeh’s massive and intimidating campaign train. Again, his arrival and the kind of crowd that came out to welcome him were a clear testimony of their choice of candidate.


All the traditional rulers visited in all the wards and Local government areas of Anambra Central, including Nri, saw in Umeh the qualities of a master representative whose contributions at the national conference, stood him out as the man Anambra has been waiting for. They all blessed him and left no one in doubt that even as they chose to be non- partisan, it was important for them to say to their people: “This is our anointed son, send him.”


We remain focused and set for the challenges ahead!



• Okeke is Special Assistant (Media) to Umeh.

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