Trump blames ‘weak’ Biden for Russian invasion of Ukraine

Former U.S. President Donald Trump

Donald Trump claims the invasion was only possible because the U.S. election was rigged and a ‘weak’ President is in the White House

Donald Trump has blamed US President, Joe Biden and North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, over the Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Trump speaking at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida, blamed Putin’s invasion on Biden’s “weakness”.

He hailed President Vladimir Putin’s intellect, describing him as smart and not the real problem.

Massive explosions hit Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, on Saturday as many scrambled for help in Poland, Romania.

“As everyone understands, this horrific disaster would never have happened if our election was not rigged,” Trump said.

Trump blasted NATO for hitting Russia with sanctions rather than hitting them psychologically.

NATO, Trump said, was “looking the opposite of smart” for hitting Russia with sanctions rather than resolving to “blow (Russia) to pieces at least psychologically.”

“The problem is not that Putin is smart, which of course he’s smart, but the real problem is that our leaders are so dumb,” the former US President said.

Former U.S Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, had accused Joe Biden of having displayed ‘enormous weakness’ in the face of Russian aggression, accusing the president of making a litany of errors. 

Pompeo, Donald Trump’s Secretary of State, appeared on Fox News with Sean Hannity on February 18 to condemn the government’s approach towards Russia.

According to the Daily Mail, with tensions between Russia and Ukraine at the highest level, Pompeo, 58, accused Biden of a series of failures leading up to this point.

‘We demonstrated weakness with respect to the Russians for the entire 14 months of this administration,’ he said.

‘We began by giving them a free pass on a nuclear treaty where we extracted nothing.

‘We let them close down gasoline pipelines in the south east of the United States. We did nothing.

‘We let them finish Nord Stream Two – we lifted the Trump sanctions on Nord Stream Two.

‘And then we did the worst thing.

‘We shut down American natural gas and crude oil production – giving Vladimir Putin $93 or $100 a barrel on the crude oil from his country.

‘We put his economy on super warp and we harmed ours and lost jobs here at home.’

Ishaya Ibrahim:
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