The government is turning itself into the enemy of the people

Jibrin Okutepa

The government is turning itself into the enemy of the people

By J. S. Okutepa

When I reflect on the actions and inactions of most Nigerian politicians and political leaders in power or around those at the corridors of power, I doubt seriously if these sets of people love Nigerians and have the interests of the masses at heart. Most of these political actors are heartless. They are wicked in the extreme. They came to power or stay around those in power or corridors of power to steal, kill and destroy.

The same goes for some other Nigerians who, though, may not hold political positions but are closely connected to those in corridors of power. These sets of Nigerians act for and in the interest of those in power or around the corridors of power. These sets of people are found in all sectors and institutions of the state. These sets of people and individuals are wicked, too.

When I look at the Nigerian society today, hardly do you see those who have nationalistic views and values for Nigeria. Everyone in politics seems to have no plans for Nigeria. Look at the lawlessness being exhibited by politicians and their supporters in Nigeria. These sets of people are not pursuing any policy and programmes for the good of the people. Democratic terrorism in action.

The security forces, too, have become so corrupt and infested with partisan dispositions and viruses of almost incurable nature. Nobody cares about the survival of Nigerian state and the people. Everyone seems to have held Nigeria in the jugular since the advent of democratic rule in the garments of civilian clothes. Democracy in militarised fashion.

The level of lawlessness and the tolerance of this lawlessness have reached the boiling point. Those in authority are as lawless as those they lead. Nothing is impossible anymore. Those in power are showing no respect for the constitution and the oaths of the office they took.

Arsons and multiple murders are being done freely and in the open. From North to South and East to West, the same political tensions. The struggles for jugular and control of political power are not for public good. One man show of power. The federal government is not bold and courageous to take necessary and neutral stand to put an end to these political hooliganism.

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The body language of the Nigerian President seems to encourage this political rascality. You cannot be preaching constitutionalism and constitutional democracy to those who have no values and respect for the constitution. It appears that both the leadership and those they lead are deeply involved in the plans to exterminate Nigerians and the Nigerian society.

Circumstantially, the destruction going on in some parts of Nigeria is traceable to those who have captured institutions of justice and peace in Nigeria. Asking anyone to go to courts or report to law enforcement agencies is just as obvious as it is clear to all that nothing good will come out there.

The duty of government is to protect lives and property. The duty of government is maintenance of law and order. But where those who have duties and responsibilities to maintain law and order shirk their duties and responsibilities as it appears the Nigerian police are doing, the president has a duty to act and restore law and order. This he can do not by mere preaching but prompt actions of removing from power those causing troubles for our nation.

Nigerian authorities must not take the liberty of its security apparatus for license and to act as it likes. Nigerians are gradually becoming agitated and the government is turning itself into the enemy of the people. People are choking daily with many unavoidable challenges. The destruction of lives and properties in various parts of Nigeria at the instance of politicians and political actors must be stopped forthwith.

Democracy is not lawlessness. Democracy is not about one man or woman show. Democracy is not the visiting of terrorism and violence on the people and properties of government. The foundations of all we are seeing today in Nigeria are squarely in the failure of Nigerian political parties and institutions to follow due process in democratic installations of candidates for elections.

The day the institution of justice decided to reward electoral frauds with caricature justice rooted in technicalities, and then rejected and or destroyed innovations of Card Readers and BVAS machines and or technology in our electoral processes was when the foundation and seeds of the current political thuggery rooted in rascality was laid.

The day those who have duties and responsibilities to decide what is right and correct democratic processes decided to accept and follow that which benefit only tiny minority who have been dishonestly displaying unexplained and ill-gotten wealth was the day or days the greatest threat to the survival of our democracy was laid.

People who worship these illegal wealth as signs of contributions to the growth of Nigerian democracy and legal system are parts of those who have wittingly, unwittingly and unfortunately contributed to the rots in our democracy and system of governance. Nigerians must learn to demand the sources of wealth of those making donations before accepting those donations from anyone in Nigeria who want to make donations to build public institutions.

It is important that those who have chosen to destabilize and desecrate Nigeria should be relieved of their duties forthwith before Nigeria is turned to the state of nature as it is currently heading to.

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