Taliban may overrun Kabul within days as it controls two-thirds of Afghanistan

Taliban fighters pose for a photo as they patrol inside the city of Ghazni, southwest of Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday, Aug. 12, 2021. The Taliban captured the provincial capital near Kabul on Thursday, the 10th the insurgents have taken over a weeklong blitz across Afghanistan as the U.S. and NATO prepare to withdraw entirely from the country after decades of war. (AP Photo/Gulabuddin Amiri)

Taliban inches closer to establishing its caliphate in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, within days. Its fighters are just 80 miles south of Kabul.

The Islamists have taken control of at least two-thirds of the country, dominating highways north and south of the city as they close in on the government following US troops withdrawal.

On the morning of August 12, the terrorists took Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand, while Kandahar appears on the verge of falling to the jihadists.

The Taliban detonated huge IEDs at Lashkar Gah police headquarters while Kandahar prison with hundreds of inmates was attacked- with Taliban fighters released to rejoin the ranks.

Taliban fighters could be seen filming themselves strolling through the city centre on Thursday morning. ‘Large numbers of soldiers were killed and dozens more surrendered,’ a Taliban spokesman said.

The Taliban is now believed to control two-thirds of the country, with the government in retreat in almost every region except Kabul – which is one of the only cities not yet under direct attack.

Meanwhile, Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani is trying to organize a counteroffensive relying on his country’s special forces, the militias of warlords and American airpower.

The U.S. and NATO will officially complete their total withdrawal of troops from the war-torn country at the end of the month.

The latest U.S. military intelligence assessment is that Kabul (which holds the US Embassy and several diplomatic offices) could come under insurgent pressure within 30 days and that if current trends hold, the Taliban could gain full control of the country within a couple of months.

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