Stephanie Okereke washes hands off brother

Actress Stephanie Okereke, whose brother reportedly raped a University of Lagos (UNILAG) student, has appealed to the press to leave her out of the case. But those who read between the lines in the press statement she released can swear that she condemns the guy, even before he has his day in court. Never mind that it is replete with the word, ‘alleged’ the detail is in the tone.


Stephanie Okereke

“Indeed, the irony is not lost on me. I have spent my life-long career advocating and living my conviction that women around the world should be able to live free of violence, sexual harassment or any form of abuse against their persons… So, again, it is indeed heart-breaking for me to receive and deal with news alleging a family member of mine is an alleged perpetrator of sexual violence against a woman. I am devastated,” she stated.


Should this not be the time when her brother, more than ever before, needs all the support he can get from the family? At least, no court of law has found him guilty, except if she is trying to tell the world something it does not know about the man.


“For Nigerian press and blogs; I call on you to please report this case in an ethical manner. I am a married woman living my life. The alleged transgression of my relative does not make it mine… Some members of the press and blogs have turned me into the accused; using my name for sensational headlines and putting my images, exclusively, in their stories,” the statement reads in part.


It further explains that the action is a form of victimisation, unethical and extremely hurtful, as she is not the accused.

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