Kalu’s visit to Nnamdi Kanu violates court’s order, lawyer says

Orji Uzor Kalu, the Senate Chief Whip, visited Nnamdi Kanu yesterday, amid talks about a possible political solution to the case

By Ishaya Ibrahim, News Editor

Lead counsel to the leader of the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu, has protested the visit of the Senate Chief Whip, Orji Uzor Kalu, to their client, saying it violated the court’s sanctioned rule.

One of the rules demands that a legal representative of Kanu should be present when he receives visitors, according to Barrister Ifeanyi Ejiofor, in a statement posted on his Facebook page today, November 30.

Kalu’s visit, he said violated what the Department of State Services (DSS) ought to enforce, but aided the breach of the rules, says Ejiofor, after emerging from a meeting with Nnamdi Kanu.


Orji Kalu visits Nnamdi Kanu in DSS custody

 He says in the statement that they would demand an investigation of Kalu’s visit to their client and insist that justice is served against those who broke the court’s rules.

The statement reads in part; “Our yesterday’s routine visit to our Client – Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was hugely insightful, following the successful twist in our introduced methodology. Though it may appear complex before some observers, but very extant in the circumstance of this case. Meaningful interventions were reviewed, and legal steps we are exploring to continue to checkmate the aggressors within the ambits of legal inhibitions were thoroughly x-rayed.

“Kudos were given to deserving members of our Legal team who have remained outstanding in the discharge of their professional duties, as well as every one of us who have remained relentless and resolute.

“Our Client continues to admonish for peaceful co-existence of UmuChineke, unflinching support and unshaken loyalty. You may wish to note, and be very much assured that our Client’s eyes are always on the ball, as he has remained ever resolute and unperturbed despite being gravely disappointed by those he hitherto trusted.

“We can at best describe what transpired yesterday between a visitor whom the detaining authority ostensibly aided to violate the court-ordered guideline for visiting our Client as bizarre and unusual. The DSS is not oblivious of the terms of the court’s guideline which they have consistently maintained in the past that it must be obeyed to the letter, and through which position they had denied many friends and Attorneys of our Client, access to him. However, caution was thrown to the wind yesterday and instead of insisting on this full compliance with the existing guideline, the DSS for reasons best known to them allowed a visitor access to our Client even before the time scheduled for the formal visit and without his lawyers being present during the visit.

“It is of serious concern that the visit was conducted without strict adherence to the court-ordered guideline, but more condescending that the visit later became a subject of political gimmicks. If we, Our Client’s Attorneys, his flesh and blood brothers, and his wife will visit him in due compliance with the court-ordered guideline, how can the DSS authorize a visit from any other person in gross violation of this guideline?

“There is more to it than meets the eyes, which the DSS is now under a compelling duty to explain to us. Granted that his name appeared among the list submitted at the 11th hour alongside the names of the lawyers scheduled for the visit, but hurriedly proceeding to conduct the visit without us being present in line with the requirement of the guideline left us with many unanswered questions.

“We have initiated a formal process towards ensuring a thorough investigation of what transpired yesterday, and we shall not hesitate to formally address the world on this subject if there is an attempt to sweep our petition under the carpet.

“The Order of the court and terms as laid down guideline, to regulate visits to our Client is to ensure his maximum protection from persons who may wish to secretly seize the opportunity to hurt or intimidate him into accepting a false narrative outside the dungeon where he is being illegally detained, and they could achieve this through threats and/or coercion. Hence, the need for the presence of his lawyers before granting any audience.

“We may not wish to speak further on this subject or even discuss our Client’s position on this visit pending the outcome of the investigation on the DSS authorized violation of the court-ordered guideline. In as much as we have unequivocally demanded an immediate investigation, we are not by any means insinuating that visitors of our Client’s choice are not permitted or restrained from visiting him henceforth, but our position is that every visit to our Client must conform with the already set out guideline by the court.

“We shall keep you all updated as we navigate through this turbulent path, but just note that victory and nothing less than victory is our goal, and it shall surely end in VICTORY UmuChineke. Please note that our Client is profoundly grateful for your dexterity and peaceful conduct so far. This too will soon come to pass. Continue to pray ceaselessly and without season that we shall overcome, UmuChineke. Thank you all and remain blessed. Signed: Ifeanyi Ejiofor, Esq. Lead Counsel to Mazi Nnamdi Kanu/IPOB 30th November 2021.”

Ishaya Ibrahim:
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