On Anyim, Ndigbo speak with one voice

Senator Anyim Pius Anyim

Anyim brought the city of Enugu to a standstill last Thursday. Our reporter, EMMA OGBUEHI, who covered the groundbreaking political briefing, reports.

It was like a carnival. And indeed, it was a political celebration as has never been seen in the Southeast in a long while.

Enugu, the political capital of the Southeast stood still in honour of Senator Anyim Pius Anyim, who came into town to inform his kinsmen of his intention to throw his political hat into the presidential loop in the 2023 elections.

And it was indeed the former Senate President’s day in the sun. 

One of the reasons often adduced by those who say that Ndigbo are not politically savvy is the claim that they cannot speak with one voice politically. Never mind that other regions have never spoken with one voice. As 2023 races closer, there is no region that can claim to have only one presidential aspirant even within the same political party.

But when the issue has to do with the Igbo, other ethnic nationalities have a way of raising the bar of expectations.

Another story that was beginning to gain traction was the assertion that no Igbo man was courageous enough to aspire for the presidency even as they decried the unbridled marginalization of the region and insisted on equity, fairness and justice.

But these two narratives were consigned to the dustbin of Nigeria’s political history by Anyim, former Secretary to the Government of the Federation, in Enugu last week.

Anyim is slowly but inexorably bucking the trend by his unexpected, surprising, and unforeseen deft political moves that run counter to what people thought they knew about Ndigbo in Nigeria’s political gangway. His deft political moves essentially contradict the stereotypical anecdotes.

While others were yet to make up their minds, Anyim, to borrow a cliché, decided to bite the bullet on Saturday, October 30, at the venue of the National Convention of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), telling all who cared to listen that he would contest for the party’s presidential ticket in the 2023 elections whether it is zoned to the Southeast or not.

“Posters of my presidential bid and agitations by groups for me to contest flooded the social media in 2020 and I disassociated myself from such calls. I felt that it was too early for such declarations to enable the present administration to concentrate on governance,” he told journalists.

“Such calls resurfaced in the early part of 2021 and I chose to be quiet over the issue. We presently have less than 18 months to the next elections and I feel the time was ripe to indicate my interest.

“Zoning of such positions was deferred but nothing stops anyone from the Southeast zone from contesting the presidency even if it was not zoned to it. The most important thing is that the party’s national convention is a rebirth for a group of people who have recovered from a setback. The party members are presently focused and determined to reclaim power with one spirit,” he added.

Since then, Anyim has been crisscrossing the nooks and crannies of the country selling his candidacy to all and sundry.

On Thursday, January 6, he visited Enugu to consult with the home crowd in a “Southeast briefing and consultative session.”

The meeting was scheduled to hold at Best Western Plus, a hotel on the popular Nza Street, Independence Layout, Enugu at 12 noon.

Anyim acknowledging cheers

In the letter inviting the PDP Zonal leaders and other party stakeholders, Anyim said the goal was to apprise them of his efforts so far and to exchange ideas on strategies.

Titled, “Invitation to a zonal briefing session on recent political developments,” the invite which he personally signed, read: “The Igbo nation has for a long time now sought full reintegration in Nigeria. By the grace of God, through our collective and individual hard work; and the goodwill of other Nigerians, we have largely established ourselves in every part of the country.

“We also participate significantly in the development of virtually every other community in Nigeria. Nevertheless, it is commonly agreed that our reintegration and sense of belonging in Nigeria will remain incomplete until we, like other Nigerians, are entrusted with the responsibility and challenges of executive leadership of the country.

“In October this year, I declared my interest to contest for the Presidency in 2023 under the auspices of the Peoples Democratic Party. I have since started consulting with various leaders and interests within the party and across the country.

“I now deem it appropriate to apprise you of my efforts so far, and for us to exchange ideas on the strategies that we should deploy as we continue to persuade the rest of the country to agree with us.”

Yet, no one forsaw what happened.

Though the meeting was to start at 12 noon, the 750-capacity hall was filled to the brim before 10 am and the crowd that could not enter not only spilled out to the hotel lobby, but also the street.

The dignitaries started arriving at about the same time. By the time the chief host, Anyim, walked into the hall shortly before noon, the atmosphere was electrified.

And it was a roll call of who is who in PDP leadership both at the zonal and state levels. Leading the zonal leadership was Dr. Ali Odefa, PDP National Vice Chairman, Southeast and other zonal officials. The chairmen of the PDP and other executives from the five Southeast states also came to hear Anyim’s message of hope.

Then, there were other leaders. Former governor of Abia State, Senator Theodore Orji, who chaired the meeting, led other distinguished PDP stalwarts that included Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe, Senate Minority Leader and former Deputy Governor of Abia State; Former Minister of Culture and Tourism, Ambassador Frank Ogbuewu; former Minister of information, Dr. Frank Nweke; former Minister of Women Affairs and Social Development, Iyom Josephine Anenih; former PDP National Vice Chairman Southeast, Nze Ozichukwu Chukwu; Third Republic Senator who represented Abia North at the red chamber, Senator Emma Nwaka; Senator representing Ebonyi South Senatorial District at the 9th National Assembly, Ama Nnachi; his colleague representing Ebonyi Central, Senator Obinna Ogba, Senator Chukwuka Utazi, who currently represents Enugu North Senatorial District.

Leading the group from the House of Representatives was Hon. Linus Abaa Okorie, former Speaker of Ebonyi State House of Assembly, who now represents the Ohaozara/Onicha/Ivo Constituency in the Federal House of Representatives. There was also Chief Eze Duruiheoma, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), former PDP chairman in Imo State and the immediate past Chairman of the National Population Commission (NPC), in attendance.

Leading the elders was Elochukwu Amucheazi, an emeritus Professor of Political Science at the University of Nigeria Nsukka, former National Coordinator of Mass Mobilization for Self Reliance, Social Justice and Economic Recovery (MAMSER) under the General Ibrahim Babaginda administration in 1987, who doubles now as the Secretary of the Prof. Ben Nwabueze-led Igbo Leaders of Thought (ILT), and Chief Peter Mgbenwelu, 83-year-old lawyer and former chairman of the defunct Cooperative and Commerce Bank (CCB), popularly called Dum Dum, who hails from Eziama, Ubulu in the Oru West Local Government Area of Imo State.

One thing was significant. Though Anyim hails from Ebonyi State, every strata of the Igbo community was represented and they all spoke with one voice.

Senator T.A. Orji set the ball rolling when in his opening remarks, he said Anyim had distinguished himself while serving the country in various capacities.

Orji said Anyim’s aspiration is propelled by supernatural forces. “We believe that the presidency should come to the Southeast,” he said.

“Pius Anyim was the first to declare interest in the race. I believe that there is a supernatural force pushing him. His aspiration is divine and it will be a disservice not to support him.

“He summoned us today to formally present himself and that is the right thing to do. He is following due process. After meeting with us, he will be meeting with other stakeholders.

“It will be nice for us all to push and support the candidature of Anyim given his wide experience in politics.

“I greet and congratulate him for what he has done; stakeholders decided to support him as he presented himself formally,’’ he said.

Senator Orji set the tone. Suddenly a people hitherto ridiculed for not speaking with one voice found their collective voice and it was a baritone.

They were resolute in their collective demand that the presidency should come to the Southeast.

Iyom Anenih said for too long, the Southeast had been the butt of all national jokes that no Igbo wants to run for the presidency.

“For too long they have asked us where are the people from the Southeast that want to run for the presidency. Now, Pius Anyim is here. Ndigbo have come out and if this country wants to survive, it must practice justice, equity and fairness. And equity demands that the presidency should come to the Southeast.

“People who are saying that there are no men in the Southeast, that shows how they regard us but without the Igbo man, there is no Nigeria.”

Anenih, who noted that Nigerians were looking towards PDP for good governance in 2023, said leaders in Igbo land are now consulting and speaking with one voice adding that other people from the zone who would love to contest would be examined and the best brain among them would be selected and supported.

Senator Abaribe

Abaribe said the occasion was a special moment for Ndigbo in particular and Nigeria, generally.

“Pius Anyim is a very humble person and his humility makes him to include everybody. That is what endears him to all.

“The people have agreed that it is Anyim. We expect him to have a parley with the Southeast caucus in the National Assembly. Other people thought that Ndigbo can’t come out. Now, someone has come out. This is a very special moment for Nigeria and Ndigbo. Once the Electoral Law (Amendment) Bill is signed, there will no longer be bogus figures during elections. Nigerians will make their choice of who governs them and that choice will be somebody from the Southeast.”

Prof. Amucheazi, who said he is not a member of any political party said he was there on the auspices of Igbo Leaders of Thought and reiterated the demand for a Nigerian president of Southeast extraction in 2023.

Chief Mgbenwelu said at his age and with over 53 years’ experience at the Bar, there was little or no room for him to make political mistakes. Insisting that he has never miscalculated before, Dum Dum said Anyim will wipe away the tears of Ndigbo in 2023.

Reporting his odyssey so far, which was what the briefing was all about, Anyim told the audience that he has been warmly received across the country.

“From my consultations so far, I am glad to report that the responses have been overwhelmingly encouraging and inspiring. Above all, I am also happy to report that the mood of the nation favours the rotation of the Presidency to Southern Nigeria. It is also to my knowledge that the Southeast stakeholders have repeatedly made the case for zoning the Presidency to the Southeast, for equity and fairness.”

Anyim, who recalled his declaration at the national convention that he will contest no-matter where it is zoned, however insisted that not zoning the presidency to the Southeast would be a moral burden the country can ill-afford.

“You may recall that when I declared my interest to contest for the presidency, I was emphatic that I will contest whether the presidency is zoned to the South or not. This is because if the presidency is zoned to the Southeast, it will satisfy the just demand of equity and fairness. If it is not zoned to the Southeast, it will remain a burden on the conscience of the nation. Let me therefore at this point join all well-meaning Nigerians to appeal to all the political parties to take the fair, just and equitable decision to zone their presidential slots to the South particularly the South East.”

Anyim said the 2023 elections was the PDP’s to lose.

“As we prepare for 2023 elections, I take the liberty to say that the challenge before our great party is how to deliver on the expectations of the Nigerian people. Nigerians are looking up to the PDP to rebuild our nation; to protect lives and property; to restore the respect of Nigeria within the Comity of Nations; to re-align the political structure of Nigeria to reflect the current realities; to revive our economy and save the naira; to rebuild our broken-down social fabric; to create jobs for our teeming youths and rehabilitate our collapsing educational systems among others.

“My brothers and sisters, the summary of these expectations is that Nigerians expect PDP to return to power, so that our nation can resume the march to greatness.

“The above tasks are no mean ones. The political pedigree, vision and credentials of who leads the party to accomplish these tasks must command priority attention and consideration of our great party. It is in furtherance of this that I put forth my credentials and records for your consideration.”

Insisting that the cap fits him, Anyim said as desirable as zoning is, he will, nevertheless, run based on his records in public office.

“I have been privileged to understand our national problems and appreciate their enormity and peculiarities in the last 21 years from my vantage positions in both the legislative and the executive arms of government. Therefore, I have a clear view of the task ahead as well as the solutions needed to advance the cause of our country.

“My records as President of the Senate and as Secretary to the Government of the Federation clearly show that I am more interested in building strong institutions than seeking enhancement of personal power or position. My records show effective and efficient management of the nation’s diversity on the basis of equity, justice, fairness and inclusiveness.

“I am a committed believer in the rule of law; and will always promote and protect the sanctity of lives as well as the rights and liberties of all citizens.

READ ALSO: Anyim’s declaration for the presidency in 2023 sparks reaction on Twitter

“As president of the Senate, I was loyal to the party. I managed our diversity to the extent that ethnicity was never a consideration in all the activities of the Senate. My leadership in the National Assembly not only promoted independence and stability of the legislature, as an institution, but also equality of all constituencies and their representatives and so enhanced productivity in the National Assembly.

“As SGF, I devoted my energy to helping the President focus on the core needs of all Nigerians, maintain harmony among all Ministries, Agencies and Departments of government and ensure equity, fairness and inclusiveness in allocation of resources and appointments.”

But beyond all these, he also threw up another quality which is in very short supply among the political class – loyalty to party and fidelity to causes no matter the circumstance, and many Nigerians think that going forward, that should count.

“I would like to state that, I have stood with our party, the PDP, in good and bad times. Like most loyal party members, I have had my moments of elation, as well as some difficult times but I never moved. I have never switched parties. Therefore, I make bold to say that I can be entrusted with the vision, mission, values and principles of PDP as a committed party man,” he enthused.

Most of those who have indicated interest in the presidency can hardly make that claim.

But Anyim also took another extraordinary step that is uncommon in political circles. Despite his qualification, he said the door was open to any other person from the Southeast who wishes to aspire as he is doing. He manifested the humility which Abaribe alluded to earlier.

“My brothers and sisters, my experiences notwithstanding, I do not claim to be the most qualified from the Southeast or any other part of the country. I am only offering myself to continue my services to my country in the capacity of President of Federal Republic of Nigeria, at a time, I believe, my experiences will be needed to save our beloved country from drifting further. I am convinced with due modesty, that I am willing and available, ready and equipped, by experience and exposure, temperament and humility, capacity and competence to serve Nigeria at this point in time as her President.”

The hall erupted in applause. “His humility is disarming,” a delegate, Chijioke Okoro, from Amaifeke Orlu, Imo State, exclaimed.

Without shutting the door against any other aspirant, the elders, leaders, members of the PDP Southeast Zonal Working Committee, members of the State executives of Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo States who gathered for the briefing, unanimously endorsed Anyim.

In a resolution signed by Senator Orji and Chief Duru-Iheoma, they said: “We congratulate Senator Anyim Pius Anyim for the patriotism of his decision to offer himself for national service by aspiring to contest in the 2023 Presidential race.

“We take due cognizance of his precious record of distinguished and unblemished service as President of the Senate and Secretary to the Government of the Federation. In these positions, he distinguished himself as a detribalized statesman, consensus builder and true nationalist. 

“We, therefore, unanimously endorse his aspiration with all conviction and enthusiasm and eagerly commend him to the rest of the nation as a worthy leader who will pilot the affairs of the nation towards greater security, unity and prosperity for all citizens.”

When Senator Utazi put the resolution to a voice vote, the hall shook with a resounding “ayes.”

The attendees agreed to join Anyim in persuading and reassuring every part of the country to do justice to the Southeast by promoting equity and justice as core values of Nigeria.

Insisting that the choice of who becomes President of Nigeria in 2023 has become a strategic imperative for the future of the country, they unanimously noted that the vision, capacity, experience and disposition of the next president will make the difference about the socio-political stability and economic development of the country.

They, therefore, added their collective voice in appealing to the “Peoples Democratic Party in the interest of equity, justice and harmonious national cohesion to zone their presidential ticket to the Southern zones of the country and the Southeast in particular.”

Like Anyim, the attendees also did something remarkable that put a lie to the notion that Ndigbo do not speak with one voice – they welcomed any other Igbo interested in the country’s political diadem.

“In assuring Senator Anyim of our support for his aspiration, we wish to also extend the same hand of support and solidarity to all qualified and deserving sons and daughters of our zone with similar aspiration and who reach out to us as Senator Anyim has done,” the resolution further affirmed.

“It is our solemn appeal to all the peoples of the Southeast zone to remain steadfast in the hope that we can all join hands in solidarity with all other parts of the federation to build a prosperous nation founded on democracy, equity and inclusion to the benefit of this great nation.”

Supporters outside the hall

Anyim who insisted on addressing those who were not able to come into the hall, killed two birds with one stone at the end of the parley – he brought tears of joy to the eyes of many by proving that there are Igbos who not only have the capacity to govern this country but also have the courage of their conviction to raise their hands to be counted. He also, effortlessly, laid to rest the assumed ghost of Igbo disunity in the political arena.

As Ifeanyi Ozoede, a native of Nsude, in Udi Local Governmnet Area of Enugu State, who was not privileged to come inside the hall, but who was, nevertheless, impressed by what transpired told TheNiche after Anyim addressed them outside, “This man (Anyim) is our own Moses sent by God to deliver his people (Ndigbo) from political bondage in Nigeria. I can feel it. The time is now. Ndigbo are back.”

Indeed, not only Ozoede, many left Enugu last Thursday with a feeling that Ndigbo are back in the centre stage of national politics and Anyim Pius Anyim is the pathfinder. 

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