Obi to Archbishop of Abuja: Continue what you have been doing

The Vice-Presidential candidate of the PDP in the 2019 election, Mr. Peter Obi (left), with the Papal Nuncio to Nigeria, Most Rev. Anthonio Fillipazzi (right), before the installation mass for the new Archbishop of Abuja, Most Rev. Ignatius Kaigama, at Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles, Karsana, Kubwa, recently.

.Urges Church to be more critical in the fight against corruption

By Valentine Amanze

The Vice-Presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the 2019 general election,  Mr. Peter Obi, has urged the new Archbishop of Abuja Metropolitan see, Dr. Ignatius Kaigama, to continue with his policy of nurturing the spirituality of the people.

He also advised the cleric to continue implementing the social teachings of the Church.

Obi gave the advice after the installation of the Archbishop at the Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles at Karsana, Kubwa.

Obi pointed out that the elevation of Kaigama was due to his hard work, deep spirituality and administrative acumen, which he said was in line with what he had been preaching – the need to appoint or elect people based on proven ability observable from their earlier appointment.

The former governor of Anambra State also called on the new Archbishop to continue his good work through  his support to the poor, promotion of education as the best legacy for future competition, promotion of peace and inter-religious dialogue and faithfulness to the universal Church.

He also commended the former Archbishop of Abuja, John Cardinal Onaiyekan for his services to the Church and the country and wished him a happy retired life.    Besides, Obi reminded him that his voice was still needed as a moral compass for a country still in search of direction.


Obi has advised the Church to be more critical in the fight against corruption. He spoke on the theme, “The Church and Good Governance” at All Soul  Church, Lekki as the Guest Lecturer at the Centenary Anniversary of the Diocese of Lagos Anglican Communion.

Obi, who traced the problem of Nigeria to cumulative years of bad leadership, said all institutions in the country, including the Church, contributed to that failure either through commission or omission. “By blessing poor people who suddenly make money in government and come to Church  for thanksgiving rather than calling police for them, the Church  is not showing right example. ” He emphasized the need for the Church to be conscious of being the conscience of the world.

To reduce corruption, Obi advised the government to reduce so many toll gates by changing its procurement processes to ensure that money moved directly to institutions they were  meant for. Using his time as the Governor of Anambra State for example, Obi said that money meant for schools were given  to them directly and that it was one of the reasons Anambra achieved so much in education, moving from no 27 to no 1.

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