NIMASA DG calls for synergy with media against vices in Maritime sector


NIMASA DG advocates sustained positive media reportage of the Maritime Industry for growth’

By Uzor Odigbo

The Director General of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), Dr Bashir Yusuf Jamoh on Friday commended the media for positive reportage of the Maritime industry.

Jamoh said this when he received the Best Performing Maritime CEO of the year Award bestowed on him by the Association of Maritime Journalists of Nigeria (AMJON), saying the changing Maritime industry won the award.

The NIMASA DG also commended maritime journalist, saying the level of reportage by the media is changing the narratives and bringing the maritime sector to the fore in the international arena.

” I must commend the level of reporting being carried out by the maritime media in educating the public about the sector. Am happy when you open your phone in the morning you see various stories about the sector and it is actually changing the narratives of the Nigeria maritime industry”.

The NIMASA DG, however stated that he wishes the Nigeria Maritime media operates as one body , so that they can do more and also checkmate the excesses of the CEOs and their organisations in the Industry.

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An elated Jamoh, while receiving the award, said that he loves the maritime industry and that he is passionate to see it change for the better.

” This award should be given to the Nigeria Maritime Industry and not me. I am only doing what I love and enjoy doing in the maritime industry. When you enjoy and have passion for what you are doing , you will put in your best, I love the maritime industry and I tell people that the Nigeria maritime industry is the best place to invest in .”

Presenting the award, President of AMJON, Paul Ogbuokiri said, Dr Bashir Jamoh won the AMJON award of the Best Performing Maritime CEO of the year due to his tremendous efforts especially in the areas of maritime security and his campaign for the removal of Nigeria among nation’s that pay war risk insurance premium.

He said AMJON have been following Jamoh’s leadership style in NIMASA “and are not disappointed on what he has been able to do within a short time. We, however urged him to do more, as much is still expected from him and other CEOs to repositioned the industry.”

The annual AMJON Conference/Awards held at the Lagos Sheraton Hotels and Towers, Ikeja on the 19th of November, 2021.

Ishaya Ibrahim:
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