NGO, NAFDAC, SON sensitize women on entrepreneurship in Bauchi

An non-governmental organization, Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD), in collaboration with National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) and Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) sensitizes young women on entrepreneurship development in Bauchi.

  CITAD programme officer in Bauchi, Mr Muhammed Chiroma, said at the sensitization and closing ceremony of the six weeks training of the young on Friday in Bauchi that the young women totalling 20 were trained on computer literacy and other entrepreneurship and skill acquisition programmes.

  He said that entrepreneurship was an antidote for youth employment and self-reliance, adding that CITAD was passionate about youth entrepreneurship which he said would help to reduce employment challenges facing the country.

  “The youth need to be self-reliance and as such needed to be trained as entrepreneurs.

  “It is a known fact that entrepreneurship is the cornerstone of every economy and has the transformational power.

  “That is why CITAD has been engaging these young people on how to become employers of labour,” Chiroma said.

  The programme officer explained that the participants underwent six weeks courses in photography, film and video editing, graphic designs.

  Others include web design and blogging, computer appreciation as well as baking.

   Also, NAFDAC representative, Mr Muhammed Muazu, explained that the role of NAFDAC was to make sure that all drugs and food supplied to citizens were safe.

  He however urged the graduands to follow and adhere to policies and regulations that guided business establishment.

  In his own submission, SMEDAN representative, Mr AbdulRasheed Aliyu, said their agency can train and help any potential entrepreneurs to the rudiment of managing and starting their businesses.

  SON representative, Mr Muhammed Chinade, urged the young women to make sure that what they give out to the general public is of good quality and standard, either consumable or services.

“I call on all of you to come to SON office for any advice or guidance on standard and quality products that would be circulated to the general public,” Chinade urged.

  On behalf of the participants, Miss Maryam Kabir,  expressed appreciation to CITAD for giving them the required skills on how to be self reliance, promising that they would make judiciously use of what they have learnt and become a successful employers of labour.

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