NCC urges telcos to prioritise data protection

NCC headquarters in Abuja

NCC urges telcos to prioritise data protection, consumer privacy, transparency

By Jeph Ajobaju, Chief Copy Editor

Protection of customers’ data should now be the top most priority for telecom operators as they roll out 5G network, the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has directed.

NCC Executive Vice Chairman Umar Danbatta made the point in his address at the Nigeria Digital Sense Forum in Lagos where he stressed data is critical to the digital economy and all stakeholders must prioritise building robust legal frameworks for data governance.

In his view, as telecom operators deploy 5G, they must also prioritise safety concerns, because the amount and speed of data generated through 5G technology are unprecedented and there is need to prioritise consumer privacy, transparency, and ethical data use.

“By cultivating trust and handling data responsibly, we can unlock the full potential of 5G technology and promote innovation in Nigeria,” said Danbatta, represented by NCC Head of New Media and Information Security Chukwudi Diugu,

“We know Nigeria is a highly technology-driven country, and the advent of 5G technology has opened up immense opportunities and challenges, especially regarding data governance, safety, and security.

“5G technology has enhanced capabilities that will provide superior communications services for the socio-economic development of Nigeria and facilitate the attainment of a National Digital Economy.’’


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Challenges of 5G

Danbatta urged telecom operators to consider the challenges that come with 5G, particularly in protecting user data privacy and safety, saying the NCC Act mandates its licensees to prevent their network facilities or services from being abused, according to reporting by Nairametrics.

He also said

  • The NCC Act prevents licensees’ networks from being used in, or about, the commission of any offence under any law in operation in Nigeria.
  • Licensees are required to assist the NCC and other law enforcement agencies in preventing crime.
  • The successful implementation of 5G technology also depends on a collective commitment to data governance, safety, and security.
  • The NCC is committed to fostering a culture of safety and security while rolling out the 5G technology.
  • There needs to be collaboration between the government, regulators, operators, service providers, and individual users to create a secure and sustainable environment for 5G technology to thrive.

Nigeria Computer Society (NCS) President Adesina Shodiya, a Professor, also stressed the safe use of the internet and technology requires a collaborative effort, and every citizen should be security conscious using the internet.

Jeph Ajobaju:
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