MOFILM team holds Lagos workshop December

The MOFILM team will be in Lagos on September 29 and 30 to introduce its Academy for African Filmmakers a free, three-day workshop coming up in December.


MOFILM works with a global community of filmmakers that brings fresh, breakthrough creativity. It is dedicated to helping young filmmakers get discovered and be celebrated for their talent whilst providing major brands such as Coca Cola, Playstation, Guinness with innovative video content. MOFILM run 18 competition programmes this year, each with four to six creative briefs from leading brands. These offer filmmakers the opportunity to build their showreel whilst working on live brand briefs, win cash prizes and travel the world as each of our contests culminates with an award ceremony in places such as Sydney, Cannes to Shanghai. Content produced by the MOFILM community has gone on to win awards and be shown during Superbowl and American X Factor, reaching up to 100 million viewers worldwide.


In 2013, it ran an exciting programme with Guinness Africa that brought us to Africa for the first time. A MOFILM team visited Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa to meet and support local filmmaking talent and industry experts as well as present at film schools. The film submissions for the Guinness competition were a testament to the huge pool of talent in Africa and Guinness has selected two winning films which will be broadcast on Pan-African TV later this year.


The visit is to meet with up-and-coming filmmakers, art schools and industry experts and to talk to them about the Academy for African Filmmakers.


MOFILM is a British based content sourcing company, which allows users to produce video and photographic content for various brands and social causes. The company was co-founded by Jeffrey Merrihue. Jon Landau is the Chairman of the MOFILM Advisory board.


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