Make sex offenders’ register public, group tells FG

Rape caricature

The West Africa Action Network on Small Arms (Waansa) Nigeria, has called on the federal government and relevant authorities to make public the Sex Offfenders’ Register to serve as a deterrent to potential rapists.

Launched in 2019, the register, apart from exposing those convicted for sexual violence, will clamp down on all forms of sexual offences against women and children.

The register will contain the names of all those prosecuted for sexual violence to enable the public, state bodies and police conduct background checks and identify constant offenders.

The President of Waansa, Ms Temitope Lamidi, during the flag-off of the 16-day advocacy against gun/gender violence in Abuja, said, “the government needs to match words with actions by prosecuting rapist and making public the Sex Offenders Register.

“The media and all relevant authorities must ask that the register be in public domain, it has no business being kept like a sacred document of history.

“This I believe it will give rape victims some form of justice,” she said.

She added that the COVID-19 pandemic globally has increased the level of poverty, unemployment, which has in turn complicated and increased cases of domestic violence, with women and the girl child as principal targets.

According to her, the 2020 theme,”Orange the World, Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect,” is a clarion call for all stakeholders to join the campaign in eliminating gender-based violence in the society.

Prof. Mary Nwonye, Intervening Council for Women in Africa, called on the government to focus on sustainable infrastructure that will uplift women economically, socially and politically.

Nwonye, citing the increasing cases of violence against women and girls, gender disparity and inequality, urged all stakeholders to join forces in ridding the society of the ills practiced at home and the larger society.

She also called for the establishment of more shelter homes across the country where survivors of violence will receive emotional, psychological and physical support.

The Executive Secretary, National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Mr Tony Ojukwu, said the commission has a department responsible for investigating and handling all forms of violence against women and girls

Ojukwu, represented by the Assistant Chief Investigation Officer, Ms Mimi Jando, reiterated the commitment of the commission towards promoting and protecting the rights of every citizen. (NAN)

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