JFC condemns Sterling Bank’s Easter advert comparing Jesus resurrection to Agege Bread

JFC says: “We live in a secular country that also has respect for the various faiths being practised. Sterling Bank obviously did not consider the sensitivity of the content before allowing such to go public,”

The faith-based media group, Journalists For Christ (JFC) International Outreach has condemned the infographics of Sterling Bank PLC to commemorate the Easter celebration.

The message which likened the resurrection of Jesus Christ to the rising of Agege bread according to the group is unethical, insensitive, irresponsible and abusive to the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

JFC’s President, Mr. Lekan Otufodunrin, said writers of copies going public should do so with the utmost respect for the sensibility of the public.


JFC condemns Sterling Bank’s Easter advert comparing Jesus resurrection to Agege Bread

“We live in a secular country that also has respect for the various faiths being practised. Sterling Bank obviously did not consider the sensitivity of the content before allowing such to go public,” he noted.

Otufodunrin said, “The world is now a global village and everybody is online. There is virtually anything published online that can remain a secret, brands must be very careful to sensitive things like religion so they don’t offend the sensibility of their customers.”

JFC also frowned at the apology Sterling Bank published after the error was committed.

“We all make mistakes at some points while trying to do our best on our jobs, but the apology the bank published further drew the anger of the public,” Otufodunrin said and urged banks and other corporate organisations to ensure their corporate affairs departments have the right person.


Journalists For Christ is the association for Christian journalists and allied professionals in Nigeria with membership across media organisations in Nigeria since 1998.

Ishaya Ibrahim:
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