Impeachment: Maigari mobilises FA chairmen to petition FIFA

The ousted President of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Aminu Maigari is allegedly mobilising chairmen of the State Football Associations to petition FIFA to ban Nigeria.


Maigari, who was impeached by eight of the 13-member NFF Executive Committee during its meeting last week Thursday in Abuja, is said to have vowed to fight back.


Aminu Maigari

As part of the mapped out strategies to get back at government, he has through his allies called for a meeting of the FA chairmen in Abuja today during which those present would sign a petition with their passport photographs attached for onward submission to FIFA, calling for Nigeria’s ban.


The text message alleged to have been sent to the State FA Chairmen calling for the meeting in English and Hausa languages reads:


“Salam. Senior stakeholders you are kindly requested by President Aminu Maigari to meet him in Abuja today for discussions necessary logistics has been put in place call P.A to president. Allah ya kawoka lafiya.


“President Alh. Aminu Maigari . Ya che in shaida Maka chewa kayi kokari ka shigo Abuja Gobe. Kuma in Zaa zo kowa yazo da passport photograph din shi .Zaa sanar da sunan hotel din da zamu zauna later”.


To ensure that the chairmen turn up for the meeting, two of the ousted NFF boss’ allies have been detailed to mobilise them.


While one who is a member of the three-man committee that is negotiating with Stephen Keshi is saddled with the responsibility of mobilising the chairmen in the south, the other who called for a failed meeting in Jos, recently has the onerous task of ensuring that the FA bosses in the north attend the Abuja meeting.


It will be recalled that the Executive Committee anchored Maigari’s impeachment on misappropriation of funds and secrecy in the finances of the NFF.


The communiqué endorsed by the eight members that impeached him reads in part, “After thorough and exhaustive deliberations on the uncalled-for secrecy surrounding all financial dealings of the Federation and failure to call meeting of the Executive Committee for the past eight (8) months, during which so many weighty decisions on Nigeria football had been taken by a small cabal within the Board, the Executive Committee passed a vote of no confidence on the NFF President, Alhaji Aminu Maigari.


“In view of the above, the Committee approved the immediate dismissal of Alhaji Aminu Maigari, from the NFF Executive Committee on grounds of financial misappropriation, misapplication and maladministration.


“The Committee resolved to mandate the 1st Vice President, Chief Mike Okeke Umeh as Acting President, to preside over the affairs of the Federation, pending the composition of the new NFF Executive Committee after the elections of Tuesday, August 26.


“The Executive Committee commended world football –governing body, FIFA and the Confederation of African Football for its keen interest in the development of Nigeria football and pledged that the country will continue to abide by the dictates of FIFA and CAF Statutes and the FIFA –approved NFF Statutes”.

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