I’m the bridge-builder in Nigerian football – Ogunjobi

Ahead of the elections to compose a new executive committee of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), former Secretary-General of the then Nigeria Football Association (NFA), Taiwo Ogunjobi, has said he is the right choice to lead the body.


Taiwo Ogunjobi

Ogunjobi, who was also the body’s former chairman of chairmen, added that as the bridge-builder in Nigerian football, he is the best candidate for president.


On his vision for the NFF, he said: “The first step towards creating an improved future is developing the ability to envision it. Vision will ignite the fire of passion that fuels our commitment to do whatever it takes to achieve excellence.


“Only vision allows us to transform dreams of greatness into the reality of achievement through human action.


According to him, his mission is to raise the standard for the game of football in Nigeria.


In the areas of administration, he aims at bringing back love and affection to the family and raising a generation of football lovers with inmate passion and leadership abilities, while taking football to enviable height in the country, the continent and the world in general.


If elected as president of the body, he, therefore, pledged immediate reconciliation of all football stakeholders to come together as one happy family.


He also pledged vehement consolidation on the entire youth programme and other categories of football, as well as to return the league to its glory and enviable height in Africa.


Born on August 17, 1953, Ogunjobi said he has the experience to lead the NFF to the promised land and reposition the country’s football.


At the end of its Extraordinary General Assembly held in Warri penultimate Saturday, the NFF congress set Tuesday, September 30, as date for elections to compose a new NFF executive committee.

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